Stop playing Netflix episodes automatically in 5 steps

Netflix is ​​the perfect service for binge-watching series. After an episode, a counter starts automatically and if it is at zero, the next episode starts automatically. But how do you turn that off?

Stop auto-playing Netflix

The video service Netflix has great series that deserve to be watched in one go. That can come in handy during a lazy weekend on the couch. There is a brief countdown after each episode until the next one starts playing. The countdown lasts just long enough to make the decision: will you keep watching or not? If you do not intervene, the next episode will start. And then turn it off again.

In addition, especially if you’re using Chromecast, the option doesn’t always show up in time to turn off autoplay when you turn iPhone back on. In short: if you want to avoid that stress, it is best to disable the option.

That is how it works

Stop playing Netflix episodes automatically in 5 steps

You can do that quite easily, but you have to know how. Below you will find the step-by-step plan that will help you with this.

  1. Open the Netflix app;
  2. Tap the hamburger menu in the top left and choose your profile;
  3. Scroll all the way down and tap ‘Account’;
  4. You are now going to the mobile website, select ‘Playback settings’;
  5. In the next window, uncheck ‘Automatically play next episode’ and choose ‘Save’.

The next time an episode on Netflix has ended, the counter will no longer run, but the credits will play completely. After that, you will be taken to the app’s episodes list. If you want to continue viewing now, press play at the next.

If you still want episodes to be played automatically, follow the top steps and tick the option ‘Automatically play next episode’ again.

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