Stoptober 2020: Successfully quit smoking with the Stoptober app

Now that October has officially started, many people in the Netherlands are also starting Stoptober again. With the accompanying Stoptober app, quitting smoking just got a little easier.

Stoptober 2020: iOS app lends you a hand

For years it has been an event that is getting bigger: Stoptober. Last year, as many as 300,000 people took part.

In 28 days, people across the country are doing their best to completely quit smoking. That’s not an arbitrary number: 28 days would increase your chances of staying smoke-free after that.

Stoptober 2020: Successfully quit smoking with the Stoptober app

That is not easy, but luckily the Stoptober app has the mission to make this a little more manageable. For example, the 28 days are divided into weeks and you use the app by indicating every day whether you are still smoke-free.

The app is also full of success tips: small and large tips that should make it all easier to stay smoke-free. From removing all the ashtrays in your house to a tip to tell everyone around you that you’ve stopped.

Use the emergency aid for extra motivation

Do you sit through it and beckon that cigarette? Then you can tap the emergency button. This section of the app features YouTube videos of quitting success stories and other motivational stories. In addition, there are tips and you can add a motivation, play a distracting game or do something else to prevent you from starting again.

A smart addition is the counter with costs that you save by not smoking. By indicating at the beginning how much money you already spend on cigarettes, you can see at a glance what you have already saved.

The Stoptober app is free to download and requires iOS 12 or later to run. There also is a android app available. On behalf of the whole iPhonedWe wish everyone participating in Stoptober 2020 the best of luck!

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