T-Mobile also switches to more sustainable ecosim

T-Mobile also switches to more sustainable ecosim

Just like KPN, T-Mobile is exchanging the traditional SIM card for the eco SIM. These are SIM cards made from 100% recycled PVC from old refrigerators. T-Mobile expects to make the annual production of 5000 kg of new plastic for SIM cards superfluous with the ecosim.

What is ecosim?

The largest component of the SIM card is plastic and billions of these SIM cards are issued every year. The ecosim has been developed to reduce the use of plastic. The ecosim is a more sustainable alternative to the current SIM card and replaces tons of plastic every year. In addition, this SIM card can also be recycled for new purposes. KPN was the first Dutch provider to exchange the traditional SIM card for the eco SIM and now T-Mobile is following.

Sustainable intermediate step

In 2021, T-Mobile issued 1.5 million SIM cards, 40,000 of which were eSIMs. The eSIM is a fully digital and more sustainable solution introduced by T-Mobile in the Netherlands. Because this SIM card is fully digital, T-Mobile encourages its customers to eventually switch to the eSIM. Since not all phones support eSIM yet, the ecosim offers a good sustainable intermediate step, according to the telecom provider.

T-Mobile expects to deliver the first eco SIM cards in the course of the first quarter. However, the old SIM cards are used first. The first customers are expected to receive the first eco SIM cards in a few weeks. Customers of Ben, Tele2 and Simpel are also switching to this more sustainable alternative.

This week we asked in our new AW Poll if you already use eSIM on your phone. You can participate in our poll and leave your vote in this poll.

– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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