Many people are looking for ways to positively influence their lives and reach their full potential. One approach that has gained popularity in recent years is positive affirmations.
These short, powerful statements are intended to help change thinking and behavior by reinforcing positive beliefs and replacing negative thought patterns. They are an integral part of many self-help programs, therapies and coaching methods. This method is often taught in workshops, online courses and apps and is intended to help build self-confidence, reduce anxiety and achieve personal goals.
Origin and history of positive affirmations
Positive affirmations are not a modern invention, but have deep historical and cultural roots. Even in ancient times, philosophers and spiritual teachers recognized the power of language and positive thinking. In the writings of many religions and philosophical traditions there are references to the fact that words and thoughts can significantly influence a person’s life.
A striking example is the practice of “mantras” in Hinduism and Buddhism. Mantras are sacred syllables or phrases that are recited repeatedly to focus the mind and manifest positive energy. This tradition emphasizes the transformative power of language and its ability to alter consciousness.
In the 20th century, French pharmacist and psychotherapist Émile Coué began to popularize the technique of autosuggestion. Coué developed the idea that repeatedly speaking positive statements can improve mental and physical health. His most famous phrase, “Every day I feel better and better in every way,” became the basis of many modern affirmation techniques.
Scientific basis
Psychology and neuroscience study how words and thoughts can influence neural processes and behavior. An important connection is to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which aims to replace negative thought patterns with positive and constructive thoughts.
A key mechanism behind the effectiveness of positive affirmations is brain plasticity. The human brain has the ability to restructure itself through experience and repeated thoughts. This process is called neuroplasticity. When positive affirmations are repeated regularly, they can strengthen neural connections associated with positive thoughts and emotions.
Studies have shown that positive self-affirmation can increase activity in the prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain responsible for self-perception and emotion regulation. A study by the University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, found that self-affirmation can reduce reactions to threats and negative information. Participants who made positive statements about themselves showed fewer stress reactions and increased resilience to negative events.
Another interesting concept is the so-called “Self-Affirmation Theory” (Self-affirmation theory; PDF doc). This theory, developed by psychologists Claude Steele and Timothy Wilson, states that people have a basic need to see themselves as competent and valuable. Positive affirmations can help fulfill this need and thus boost self-esteem.

Studies and research results
A study by researchers at the University of Waterloo in Canada examined how positive affirmations affect self-esteem. Participants who frequently struggled with low self-esteem were divided into two groups. One group was asked to repeat positive statements about themselves, while the control group did not. The results showed that participants who already had high self-esteem benefited from the affirmations and felt better afterwards. Interestingly, however, the affirmations had no effect on participants with very low self-esteem. the opposite effect and intensified negative feelings.
Another study, conducted by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, examined how positive affirmations affect stress management. In one experiment, participants were asked to complete a stressful task after either using positive self-affirmations or not. The results showed that those who used positive affirmations had lower stress levels and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This suggests that positive affirmations can help reduce physiological stress responses.
In addition to positive affirmations, there are other methodsthat help you to motivate yourself. This can be particularly helpful in stressful situations, such as when studying, to overcome the low point and recharge your batteries.
Psychological perspectives
The effect of positive affirmations can be viewed from various psychological perspectives.
The subconscious mind influences many of our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Positive affirmations aim to influence the subconscious mind through repeated positive statements. These repetitions can help to override negative thought patterns and reinforce positive thoughts. The process is similar to the principle of autosuggestion, where repeated self-influence leads to altered perception and behavioral change.
A key concept here is the idea of “cognitive dissonance“. When the subconscious repeatedly hears positive statements that contradict existing negative beliefs, this can create an internal tension. To reduce this dissonance, the brain begins to accept the new positive statements as more true, which in the long term can lead to a change in self-perception.
The effectiveness of positive affirmations depends greatly on how credible and authentic they seem to the person using them. If affirmations are perceived as being too far removed from one’s reality, they can be counterproductive. An example of this would be a person with extremely low self-esteem who repeatedly tells themselves that they are successful and confident. If this statement is perceived as implausible, it can increase negative emotions.
It is therefore important that affirmations are formulated in a realistic and achievable way. They should be adapted to individual needs and goals to increase their credibility and therefore their effectiveness. One method of increasing the credibility of affirmations is to increase them gradually. Instead of immediately saying “I am successful”, a more realistic and credible affirmation could be “I am making progress and learning every day”.
Positive affirmations can also influence a person’s self-perception and identity. They promote a positive self-view and boost self-esteem. Studies have shown that people who regularly use positive affirmations develop a stronger self-identity and feel more capable of overcoming challenges.
An important aspect of this is the “self-concept theory,” which states that a person’s self-concept – the image they have of themselves – strongly influences their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Positive affirmations can help improve self-concept by reinforcing positive self-images and beliefs.

Critical review
Although positive affirmations are widely used in the self-help and personal development industry, there are also critical voices and scientific skepticism regarding their effectiveness and possible negative effects.
A common argument against positive affirmations is that their effects are often exaggerated. Many self-help gurus and coaches promise spectacular changes through simple affirmations, which can create unrealistic expectations in some people. These exaggerations can lead to people being disappointed when the desired results do not occur and losing faith in such techniques.
Scientific research shows that the effects of positive affirmations are often short-term and context-dependent. While some studies show positive results in terms of stress management and self-esteem, the long-term effects are less clear. There is evidence that affirmations alone are not enough to bring about profound and lasting change, especially in people with deeply held negative beliefs and self-images.
Although there are some studies that demonstrate positive effects of affirmations, the overall scientific evidence is still limited and partly inconsistent. Many studies are based on small samples and short observation periods, which limits the generalisability of the results. In addition, there are only a few long-term studies that examine the sustainability of the effects of positive affirmations.
In summary, while positive affirmations have the potential to promote well-being and improve self-perception, their use should be done with caution and realism. It is important to consider people’s individual differences and specific circumstances and to see affirmations as a complementary tool in a broader approach to personal development and mental health.