We are getting closer to the unveiling of the PlayStation 5. There are rumors that an unveiling event will take place in February, but before it comes to that, gambling will continue. We have already listed a few fan-designed concepts to fantasize about the design of the PS5.
We have selected ten concepts that attempt to guess the design of the PlayStation 5 console. What design do you like to see under or next to your television? Vote for your favorite at the bottom of this article and let them know in the comments which aspects you want to see in the actual console.

1. Concept by Reddit user crimsonnoctureâ–²
Despite the straight lines, this mock-up looks a lot like the PlayStation 4 Pro and Slim, thanks to the matte black finish and centered PS logo on the side. According to the maker, the V shape for the fan is an ode to the devkit.

2.Concept by the French designer Joseph Dumaryâ–²
The shape of the console, and in particular the angled corners, is reminiscent of the original PlayStation 4, but especially the controller differs from other concepts. With a vertical touch screen, the maker has wanted plans for the PlayStation 5, which revive the good times of the Dreamcast controller including VMU.

3. Mock-up based on the devkit by LetsGoDigitalâ–²
This render is actually not a PlayStation 5, but shows how the devkit can look like this design is being implemented to the final consumer version. The media buttons are an interesting addition, but we probably don’t see them on the actual PS5.

4. PS5 mockup by Reddit user point_cacheâ–²
Perhaps this is the most realistic version of a possible PlayStation 5. The professional render certainly looks like a product that we could come across on the shelves. The gray color palette reminds us of the original PlayStation, but with a modern twist. The controller is almost identical to the DualShock 4, which is probably a good bet for the DualShock 5.

5. Concept by Saturn magazine TURN ONâ–²
This slightly older concept makes full use of blue detail lighting and round corners. The maker has added USB-C connections, which we (unlike the Xbox Series X) hopefully also on the real PS5. We probably won’t get the extensive light bar, but it is an interesting idea to show more information via the controller.

6. Concept by LetsGoDigital and Bonami SpelComputer Museumâ–²
Also in this design we see the round corners that are already present the design of the PlayStation 4 Pro and Slim. The use of a smooth finish at the top, matte finish at the bottom and blue stripe of light are also directly from the original PS4. In this form, these elements would certainly not look out of place on the PS5.

7. Concept by VrPlayerâ–²
This concept is not particularly revolutionary, but once again shows us a refinement of the PS4 design. The pinched corners, top with relief and luminous PlayStation icons are beautiful additions that we have not seen in other designs.

8. Concept by LetsGoDigitalâ–²
The V we saw in the devkit is central to this design. The somewhat simpler form of the console is more reminiscent of a media box or router, but the luminous blue V that covers the entire console catches the eye.

9. Concept by Reddit user lifegetshardâ–²
Where other designs draw some light inspiration from the devkit, the creator of this concept has translated the separate V-shape of the device into a consumer version. The finish, light slot and color are similar to the PlayStation 4, but we still wonder where the buttons should be.

10. Concept by Twitter user CanadianJediYTâ–²
The Canadian Twitter user takes the concept of the blue V one step further and turns it into a retro design that would not be out of place with a new version of an Atari. If you have a dark game room, no additional mood lighting is required.