This is how you use Siri Shortcuts with HomeKit: 4 examples to build them yourself

Since iOS 12, you can set useful routines with Siri Shortcuts. This is also the best way to control your HomeKit devices with your voice and combine them with other tasks. iPhoned shows you how to build Siri Shortcuts for HomeKit and gives some examples.

HomeKit Siri Shortcuts: this is how you create routines with your smart devices

Apple has made Siri a lot smarter in iOS 12 thanks to Siri Shortcuts, which allow you to set endless command combinations. By combining this with your HomeKit devices and scenes from the Home app, you can not only set different routines, but also combine turning on your lights and heating with music and the latest news when you get home.

Also read: Siri Shortcuts in iOS 12: How to make Siri smarter and more useful to you

All of Apple’s apps support Siri Shortcuts, but a decent list of third-party apps also work with it. For example, combine the scene you have for when you leave home with opening your Reminders app for your to-do list of the day and starting Pocket Casts for a nice podcast on the way to work.

This is how you use Siri Shortcuts with HomeKit: 4 examples to build them yourself

The examples below are mainly intended as suggestions and inspiration, and can always be adjusted to how you want it. It is important to know that for the shortcuts you first have to build a scene in the Home app so that you can add it. Read in this article how to create scenes.

You can already automate scenes in the Home app, but making Siri Shortcuts for HomeKit mainly has the advantage that you can combine the gadgets with tasks on your iPhone. To create such routines, you must first download the Assignments app. This is not standard on your iPhone after installing iOS 12.

Coming home

Coming home after a long day of work is already a lot more fun with HomeKit, because with smart lamps and a smart thermostat in the house it is a lot quicker to get cozy and warm. To make this even better, it is nice if a music is also started.

For example, in this example we combine the scene for coming home with turning on your music on your iPhone. Connect it to a bluetooth speaker or play the music on your Apple TV for the best sound.

Find this Siri Shortcut

Go away

If you also have a scene for when you leave the house, it is so handy to immediately combine it with, for example, the weather forecast for that moment, your upcoming memories for today and some music for the road. If you prefer to check your agenda before you get on your bike or in the car, bus or train, you can easily replace the task for Reminders with points from that day from Agenda.

Find this Siri Shortcut

homekit or google home

Good morning

Nothing more convenient than shouting ‘Good morning’ or ‘Hey Siri, I’m awake’ that not only turns on your lights, but turns your iPhone on a podcast on your favorite Podcast app, shows the latest highlights from Twitter and shows which ones things are scheduled for today in the Calendar app.

Find this Siri Shortcut

Sleep tight

Combine a scene from the Home app for when you go to sleep with a few other tasks for a nice Siri Shortcut for the evening. With this example, Siri dims all smart lights in the house on command, but also immediately turns on the alarm for the next morning. Do you have varying alarm times? Then you can select in advance which alarm clock (s) Siri should turn on this time.

Apple Watch HomeKit

You can extend this shortcut, for example, by having Siri open the Books app or your favorite news site in Safari, so that you immediately have something open to read. Unfortunately, we still have to wait until Netflix supports Siri Shortcuts to start your favorite series before going to sleep.

Find this Siri Shortcut

Want more examples of how to use Siri Shortcuts in other ways? Then get started with these six Siri Shortcuts examples, and check which apps you can already use Siri Shortcuts with.

Monthly Theme HomeKit

Throughout November, we will focus on the HomeKit theme. In the coming weeks, we’ll be taking a deeper look at Apple’s smart device ecosystem for you. Based on tips and background, we investigate how safe HomeKit is, what you can do with it and we look at the future of HomeKit.

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