The Dynamic Island is useful, but it didn’t always look like this. Apple had many more designs for the Dynamic Island on the drawing board.
This is what the design of the Dynamic Island could have looked like
The Dynamic Island is one of the most striking new features on the iPhone in recent years. The notch that was replaced by an oval bar (which can change shape) was quite limited in the beginning, but the bar has now received support for many more apps.

However, quite a few designs for the Dynamic Island had to be made before it finally looked like this. One of the first designs of the Dynamic Island was a small menu on the right side of the screen. This looked like a kind of second notch in which you could see your WiFi connection, the battery and the time, among other things.
Another idea was a kind of black status bar at the top of the screen. This also showed the time and battery as standard, but this design only made the notch larger.

Apple later came up with the Dynamic Island as a kind of oval bar. But several variants had also been devised for this. For example, there was first a version in which the bar could not change shape and was always visible. Ultimately, this was the basis of the Dynamic Island as we know it today.
iPhone with Dynamic Island
Do you want an iPhone with the Dynamic Island design? Then you have to pay attention, because not every recent iPhone has this new version of the notch. The first iPhone with Dynamic Island is the iPhone 14 Pro (Max). But the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max now also have a Dynamic Island.
The best iPhone with a Dynamic Island is the iPhone 15 Pro Max. You can find out where you can get it cheapest in our iPhone 15 Pro Max price comparator.