This manufacturer currently sells the most phones in the Netherlands

This manufacturer currently sells the most phones in the Netherlands

There are more than 5.6 million Samsung smartphones in circulation in the Netherlands, according to a study by Telecom paper† In contrast, almost 4.7 million Dutch people have an iPhone.

Samsung remains popular, but iPhone is trending

These figures were measured for the first quarter of 2022. The research firm also included figures from the first quarter of 2018. It showed that the percentage of Samsung owners remains stable at 43 percent. Telecompaper is signaling an upward trend in iPhone ownership. The percentages can be found below.

  • Q1 2018: 43 percent of all Dutch smartphone owners between the ages of 16 and 80 have a Samsung smartphone
  • Q1 2022: 43 percent of all Dutch smartphone owners between the ages of 16 and 80 have a Samsung smartphone
  • Q1 2018: 30 percent of all Dutch smartphone owners between the ages of 16 and 80 have an iPhone
  • Q1 2022: 36 percent of all Dutch smartphone owners between the ages of 16 and 80 have an iPhone

Samsung’s Galaxy S series is the most popular among the Dutch. “Of all Dutch people with a Samsung smartphone, slightly more than a third (36%) had a model from the high-end Galaxy S series in the first quarter of 2022.” The Galaxy A5 series is also doing well in the Netherlands. This series, including the Galaxy A52 and Galaxy A53, managed to win a place in the pocket of one in five Dutch people in the first quarter of 2022.

  • Samsung Galaxy S22 (2022), S21 (2021) or S20 (2020): 15 percent
  • Samsung Galaxy S10 (2019): 5 percent
  • Samsung Galaxy SS7, S8 or S: 12 percent

Many old Samsung phones in circulation

The latest high-end models from Samsung are currently the most popular. It is also striking that the models that were released between 2016 and 2018 are still widely used. More than 600,000 Dutch people in the age group surveyed still have an old high-end phone from Samsung. These phones are hardly updated anymore and they don’t get new Android versions anymore. These devices are therefore more at risk of security vulnerabilities. They also have to deal with apps that are no longer updated because the phones run on an old Android version.

Samsung expanded its update policy at the beginning of this year and is a frontrunner in this area. The South Korean tech giant is giving a series of phones and tablets an extra year of updates. You can read what those are here.

  • Three new Android updates Four new Android versions
  • At least four years of security updates At least five years of security updates

Apple currently provides support for all iPhones released since 2015. That means that 94 percent of all iPhones that are still supported by Apple in the Netherlands. Almost half of Dutch iPhone owners have an iPhone of four years or older.

What kind of phone(s) do you have? Let us know in the comments below this article.

Samsung Galaxy S22 Plus
Samsung Galaxy S22 Plus


  • Beautiful and luxurious design
  • Beautifully bright display
  • Good and consistent cameras
  • Long update support
  • Macro photo function is missing
  • Gets very hot sometimes
  • Basic version only 128 GB

View more specifications

– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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