This way you can quickly update apps manually on your iPhone

Apps (eventually) are automatically updated on your iPhone. But you can also manually update apps at any time and that goes extra fast!

This way you can quickly update apps manually on your iPhone

On your iPhone and iPad, apps that you download from the App Store (standard) are automatically updated. That is handy and you never have to look at it.

This way you can quickly update apps manually on your iPhone

Yet it is sometimes useful to manually check and update your apps. After all, you never know for sure when an app will be updated automatically. And just let the app update that you are waiting for the longest. If you want an update as quickly as possible, then manually updating the apps is the fastest way.

Update apps manually on the iPhone as quickly as possible

  1. Tap your finger on the ‘App Store’ app and wait a minute;

  2. In the published menu you choose ‘updates’;

  3. Wipe the page down and check the updates under ‘coming automatic updates’;

  4. Tap ‘work all Bee’;

  5. The app updates are brought in and installed.

Of course you can also manually update your apps on the iPhone in the ‘normal’ way. That’s how it goes:

  • Open the ‘App Store’ and tap your profile photo at the top right;
  • Place your finger in your name and drag the window down. Do this until the load icon appears;
  • Lift your finger, scroll down and tap ‘Work all Bee’;
Update App Store

    Automatic update App Store

    Do you find it annoying that your iPhone apps update automatically? By adjusting a setting, it is also possible to automatically switch off updates for apps. You do that in the following way:

    • Go to ‘Settings> Apps> App Store’;
    • Turn off the slider at ‘App-Updates’.

    Do you not find the option here? Then you probably installed an alternative App Store once. You can then find the option by going to ‘Settings> Apps> App installation’. Then turn off the slider at ‘App updates’.

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