UTM SE runs macOS on your iPad and iPhone – here’s how it works

Apple has allowed the first PC emulator into the App Store, finally making it possible to run macOS on the iPhone and iPad. Here’s how it works!

Apple allows emulator

Ever wanted to know what macOS looks like on your iPhone or iPad? Now you can, because Apple has allowed UTM SE in the App Store. The app is the first PC emulator for the iPhone and iPad. It is remarkable that Apple allows UTM SE in the App Store, because the application was previously rejected. That was not all, because Apple also blocked the app from alternative web stores.

Also read: iPad gets alternative app stores (but that’s not all)

There have been big changes to your iPhone since April, because Apple has to allow third-party app stores. In addition, retro emulators are allowed, so you can play old Nintendo games via Delta, for example. That is exactly why Apple did not allow UTM SE before, because according to the company it was not a retro emulator. That choice was criticized a lot, including by the European Commission.

UTM SE runs macOS on your iPad and iPhone – here’s how it works

macOS on iPhone and iPad

Apple has now decided to allow UTM SE in the App Store and in third-party web stores. The application can now be downloaded for free in the App Store, later UTM SE will also be added to AltStore PAL. With the app you can put classic software on your iPhone and iPad, including an older generation of macOS. Other operating systems are also supported, for example you can also choose Windows.

With UTM SE it is possible to put macOS on your iPhone and iPad. Unfortunately, it is not the latest version, for example you can choose macOS 9. With the software you can put old games on your iPhone or iPad, which were previously only suitable for macOS. The same applies to Windows, you can also install retro games on your phone or tablet. You can choose from pre-installed software, but you can also build your own operating system.

iOS app stores

Less powerful than macOS

Are you planning to install macOS on your iPhone or iPad via the emulator? Please note that the programs will run less smoothly. This has to do with the software used in iOS and iPadOS. The functionality and performance of the emulator is therefore logically less powerful than the original version of macOS. With simple games you will not notice this so quickly, but with heavier programs you will.

UTM SE is now free to install in the App Store. You can also download the programs for free in the app. Via an external website you can choose from software such as Windows XP and Debian. In the United States macOS is already available, it is expected that the Netherlands and Belgium will follow soon. More programs will probably follow later, which you can install in the app by default.

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