The new Veganific app connects you with other vegans and vegetarians looking for love. The Tinder for vegans is quite pricey, but the first 5000 users get a free membership.
Veganific: Tinders for vegas
Finding a partner can be quite a challenge. The search is made even more difficult when you eat vegetarian or vegan, and you also require this from your loved one. Veganific solves this problem. The new app can be compared to Tinder, but for vegans.

After registering via Facebook you create a profile and indicate what you are looking for. After that, the app does its job and presents potentially interesting people with the same diet as you. When you see someone sitting, swipe to the right. If that person likes you too, you can chat with each other. While Veganific is similar to other dating apps in many aspects, there is one big difference: the price.
Also read: These 5 things you can expect from dating apps in the future
At the price
The matcher is definitely not cheap. For a membership of 1 month you pay 19.99 euros. When you pay directly for 3 months you will spend 14.99 per month and the cheapest option is to take out a subscription for half a year. This costs 9.99 euros per month.
The first 5000 people looking for love through Veganific will receive a 3 month free membership. The hefty price was also deliberately chosen. People who are non-vegan or vegetarian are unlikely to pay these amounts, so the app monitors its quality.
The creator of Veganific, Jorn de Vries, started Veganific because his relationship at the time did not follow his vegan lifestyle. This caused mutual tensions and eventually even the end of the relationship. According to Jorn, it is extra challenging for vegans and vegetarians to find a like-minded partner, hence the app.
iPhoned Month Theme: Relationships
Throughout the month of February we will zoom in on relationships on iPhoned. From sharing cloud subscriptions together, the best tips for finding love to how dating apps will develop in the future: it all comes along. Read our previous articles below:
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- This is how the technology behind Tinder works, and that is how you increase your chances (3-2-2020)
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