Warm Meal: How Often Should You Eat Warm?

Hot meal
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / jyleen21

A warm meal can be very beneficial. However, is it healthier or more digestible than cold food? You can find out here whether it matters to your body, whether and how often you eat warm food.

There are a number of rumors and assumptions about warm meals: Is a warm meal a day “obligatory” from a health perspective? And are hot meals healthier overall? In the ayurvedic diet and the Traditional Chinese Medicine hot meals are even part of the basis.

One thing in advance: Whether warm or not – with a healthy diet it depends on the choice of food overall. After all, a currywurst with fries and mayo can also be a hot meal every day.

The important thing to know is that the chewed food has already been heated or cooled to body temperature by the time it reaches your stomach. From then on, the temperature on the plate makes no difference to digestion. However, heating can have an effect on the food itself.

Benefits of a hot meal

Raw potatoes are usually prepared with a hot meal.
Raw potatoes are usually prepared with a hot meal. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Couleur)

Heating meals has the following benefits you can take advantage of:

  • More diverse food choices: Cooking gives you the opportunity to incorporate more foods into your diet overall that are either harmful or at least less edible when raw. These include potatoes, rice, legumes, cabbage, eggs or quinces.
  • Determine nutrients are more available by heating food. For example, cooked tomatoes have significantly more of the antioxidant lycopene, and we can betacarotene absorb better in carrots if they have been boiled or heated together with oil.
  • Better digestibility: One of the reasons for this is that toxins can be broken down by cooking. In addition, digestion requires a little less energy overall if the food is already warm when it enters your body.
  • Lower germ load with heated foods: This applies in particular to animal foods, such as meat, eggs or raw milk.
  • satiety: You may take more time to eat a hot or warm meal than a cold meal. In this case, the warm dish will fill you up faster and make you feel better after eating. Warm meals could also prevent sudden cravings.

Conclusion: Warm meals are not a must

Porridge can be a hot meal for breakfast.
Porridge can be a hot meal for breakfast. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / omisido)

Basically there is no rules, which tells you how often and when you should eat warm food. within one balanced diet warm meals are still useful. That doesn’t mean you have to eat a warm meal every day.

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