What is the most read question on ikhavebeenvragen.be?

What is the most read or clicked question on ikhavebeenvragen.be?

Asker: Tina, 18 years old


Dear Tine,

Thank you for your nice question!

The most viewed question so far is the question that Minister Patricia Ceysens asked us at the launch of the website: “Does the sun make noise”?
The answer can be found on question 228 /> This question has been viewed more than 80,000 times so far.

In addition, the following question is also often viewed: “Wash hands especially after going to the toilet and before eating. OK, but are those bacteria and microbes so easy to remove or kill with ordinary soap. And don’t they become resistant?”
question 969 />

And a shared third place goes to the questions “What does a Chinese keyboard of the PC look like? How do they type their texts, which consists of countless characters. How do they type question 1366 and “Does God really exist?” question 1616 />

Answered by

Jessica Renovation

What is the most read question on ikhavebeenvragen.be?

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Rue Vautier 29 1000 Brussels


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