WhatsApp fixes notification issues in iOS 11 with update

Since the release of iOS 11, WhatsApp suffered from an annoying bug that prevented notifications from being sent. With an update, the chat app finally fixes this error.

WhatsApp notification problem solved

The bug was caused by the iOS notification system and its collaboration with WhatsApp. Users were not notified of new messages, or only saw them appear when they opened the chat app. And that is annoying, because you can easily miss (important) WhatsApp messages this way.

WhatsApp now fixes the bug with an update in the App Store. Version 2.17.70 can be downloaded and installed since this weekend, and should ensure that all users receive the WhatsApp notifications again.

According to WhatsApp, the errors were also caused by the fact that many users habitually close the chat app by swiping it from the multitasking screen. This will remove WhatsApp from memory and the chat app will have to be restarted when you tap the icon again. However, if you see an app in the multi-task screen, this does not necessarily mean that it is active in the background. In addition, it is better not to forcefully close apps all day, because it makes your device slower and the battery runs out sooner.

→ Tip: Force closing iOS apps is bad for your iPhone

Download the latest WhatsApp version

Via the link below you can download version 2.17.70 of WhatsApp on your iPhone. The installation requires 155MB of free storage space and iOS 7+.

→ Download the WhatsApp update from the App Store (free)

Did you suffer from WhatsApp notification problems? Let us know in the comments below!

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