WhatsApp no ​​longer works on these iPhones from May 5, 2025

Bad news if you use an older iPhone, because WhatsApp will soon no longer work on a number of iPhones. These devices are about!

WhatsApp stops

WhatsApp has announced that the application of the messaging service will soon no longer work on a number of iPhones. It was already clear due to an earlier test version that WhatsApp is only available this year on iPhones that run on iOS 15.1. That is a big change, because now WhatsApp still works on all devices with iOS 12. Soon that will no longer be the case, so that the messaging service stops on outdated iPhones.

Do you have an iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus? Then you can no longer use WhatsApp on your iPhone. These devices now run on iOS 12.5.7 and cannot update to a newer iOS version. They have no support for iOS 15.1 or newer, but that is a requirement for WhatsApp. The messaging service has now announced this on the official websiteso we also know the precise date.

WhatsApp no ​​longer works on these iPhones from May 5, 2025

May 5, 2025

WhatsApp will soon no longer be available on the iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. From May 5 WhatsApp can no longer be used on these iPhones. Users with these devices will receive a notification from 5 May, stating that the iPhone must update to the latest software version. Don’t you do that? In that case, WhatsApp is no longer available on your phone.

WhatsApp did not work on older iPhones for a long time, but soon the iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus are added. It is more common that applications no longer work on outdated devices. Companies do this to keep the security of these apps in order. Often these (security) functions work with parts that were only introduced in iOS 15.1 or later. This is probably the reason that WhatsApp will soon no longer work on iPhones that are still running on iOS 12.5.7.

WhatsApp function

Security of WhatsApp

Apple released the last security update for iOS 12 in January 2023. That year, iOS 12.5.7, the last update for the iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. These were popular iPhones, but they were released more than ten years ago. The chance is therefore small that many users suffer from the new WhatsApp measures, because they have already switched to a new iPhone.

Are you not sure if your iPhone can update to iOS 15.1 or newer? Then check which update is available on the device. You can find updates under ‘Settings> General> Software update’. Is it there that your iPhone is up-to-date with iOS 12.5.7? That means that your iPhone no longer has support for the latest iOS versions. You can no longer use WhatsApp on your iPhone from May. Is your iPhone in need of replacement? Then view the lowest prices of the iPhone 16 (Pro) here:

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