Why do girls and boys today view each other as strange creatures in puberty? Is there a historical explanation for this? And do they know how it is that in prehistoric times the woman led and now the man?

I’m in the 2nd secondary school… And apparently it’s not normal there that you get along with boys and girls.

Asker: Hannah, 12 years old


Girls and boys do indeed act strange towards each other during puberty. This could have to do with the fact that people have lived in small tribes for thousands of years. When a boy and a girl grow up together like brother and sister, nature prevents them from falling in love with each other. If a boy and a girl (who are not brother and sister) grow up together in a tribe, there would be a good chance that they could not fall in love with each other. Then a trunk could not grow. Unless, of course, they act strange to each other for a while and distance themselves, yes indeed, during their adolescence. The strange behavior could therefore serve to encourage falling in love afterwards. So it’s totally normal that you don’t get along very well with guys right now, but that’s changing fast.

It could indeed be true that the woman led in prehistoric times, in tribes that lived by hunting and plucking. That changed about 10,000 years ago with the development of agriculture. Working the field was rather difficult and hard work and really something for men. Because agriculture yielded more food than hunting, the woman no longer had to look for food as often. The contribution of women thus became less important. This made the man more important and he took over the leadership.

Why do girls and boys today view each other as strange creatures in puberty?  Is there a historical explanation for this?  And do they know how it is that in prehistoric times the woman led and now the man?

Answered by

Dr. Peter Strager

Molecular Microbiology Biomedical Sciences Medical and pharmaceutical research Molecular Biotechnology

university of Ghent



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