With Rave you can watch Netflix and Youtube remotely with your friends

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We still live in a five-foot economy and keeping distance remains important. This can sometimes prevent you from seeing some friends for a long time. Or maybe you have a long distance relationship or friends who are all over the world. Do you still need a fun movie night? Then you can just watch together via the Rave app. This allows you to watch movies online together.

Rave is a social app that makes it possible to watch movies online with other people. Whether that is via Youtube or Netflix, or maybe you want to listen to music together: Rave makes it possible. And of course there would be little social about it if you didn’t interact with each other. That is why you can also chat and send sound recordings in the app while watching something together. To make viewing together as optimal as possible, there is the option to sync the video. This way you can be sure that you will laugh or wipe away a tear at the same time.

Install the app

You download the app here in the Playstore and here in the App Store. Once the app is installed on your device, you can get started. The home screen may look a little confusing after you go through the tutorial slides. Here you are the first to see public ‘raves’ from all over the world that you can join.

To start a viewing session yourself, you will first have to add your friends. This can be done via the two figures that you see at the top right of your screen. There you have the option to search for friends in the app itself or to add them via your contacts. You can also invite friends to watch by sending an invite link or share the video you’re watching via an app of your choice. To do this you must have already started a video. Then you can share it.

Then go back to the home screen and tap the plus sign at the bottom right. Here you can see through which channels you can watch together.

For some of these services you will have to log in, because these are paid services. Think for example of Netflix or Amazon Prime. However, you can immediately use some services such as the karaoke function, the Reddit function and the Vimeo function. You can find your favorite videos by tapping the magnifying glass at the top right and then entering your search term.

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Watch privately together

If you don’t want everyone to be able to join your fun movie session, you will have to set your session to private. You do this by selecting an option at the bottom of the video after you have turned on a video. Here you can choose ‘public’, ‘nearby location’, ‘friends only’ or ‘invitation only’. This way you can be sure that no uninvited guests will disturb you.

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In the settings within a video you can adjust who is watching, who votes with what is being watched and who can record voice clips to participate in the conversation.

watch online movies together

Incidentally, the voice recording function is not the only way you can talk to each other. If you don’t like people talking through your video, you can also chat via text. To do this, simply tap the word ‘Chat’ next to the microphone at the bottom left of your screen. The chat will then automatically appear at the bottom of the video after sending.

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