Harry Potter: Wizards Unite already promises to be one of the games of the year. With these 6 tips you will become the best wizard and level up quickly.
The best Harry Potter Wizards Unite tips
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is playable in the Netherlands. The game was created by the same people behind Pokémon GO, the game that got us out on the streets a few years ago. This time too you go out but enter the world of magic, Hogwarts and Muggles instead of Pokémon. Become the best wizard with these six tips.
1. Create your own wizard
Appearance is important, even for a wizard. Before you start looking for Gevondelingen you have to look good. When you have started the game, tap the wizard at the bottom left, after which you can take a profile picture. Also choose a wizard’s wand and indicate which Hogwarts house you belong to.

2. Get it right, not fast
In Pokémon GO you were looking for new Pokémon, but in Harry Potter you are looking for Foundables, or ‘Foundables’. These appear randomly and you can recognize them by the large icons on the map. However, there are also so-called Clouds, which you have to defeat with magic spells.
When you outsmart them you will receive XP, experience points. However, you cannot cast unlimited spells. So it is better to cast the spell correctly and precisely than quickly. Of course you don’t have all the time in the world, but make sure you follow the pattern on the screen as closely as possible. That way, you’ll waste less magic and get a lot more experience points, making you a better wizard faster.

3. Why you have to do chores
Nobody likes chores, but they come in handy in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. Tap the calendar button at the bottom right to see what’s on the schedule for you today. By completing your daily tasks, you can easily earn XP and level up faster, especially at the start of your wizarding career.
There are four types of quests in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. These may seem boring and unnecessary, but they will help you level up faster and get better potions. The daily tasks are relatively easy, but do not yield much either.

In addition, there are special assignments, achievements and last but not least, secret assignments that have been specially released by the Ministry. These tasks increasingly yield more experience points, but of course require more effort. It is also a good way to make money.
4. Go for the light
Do you suddenly see a ray of light on the map while walking around? These are foundlings with a high risk, but just as great a reward. To fill your registry you need to find as many of these rare Foundlings as possible.
In addition, you can practice performing enchantments before entering a Fortress. You can recognize these by the castles on the map and are full of magical beasts and witches. It is advisable to bring some potions with you before entering the Fortress, as the assignments are tough.
5. Save battery and mobile data
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is a world of its own and that demands a lot from your iPhone or iPad. Although ar mode, where you can see the magical world on the screen of your iPhone or iPad, is a lot of fun, it is more convenient to turn it off. It ensures that your battery drains less quickly, the game is faster and duels feel more fluid.

To do this, tap on the suitcase at the bottom and select the gear at the top left. Then scroll down and make sure that the switch at ‘AR +’ and ‘AR + during combat’ is off. When you are here, you can also switch on the battery saver immediately. This one does exactly what you think.
Finally, it is also wise to download all files from Harry Potter: Wizards Unite in advance. You can find this option at the bottom of the settings menu. By making all files available offline, the game will be faster and you will lose your internet bundle less quickly. The whole package is about 3GB in size.
6. This will give you spell energy and money
Spell energy is essential in the Harry Potter universe. You cannot perform enchantments without. It is therefore important to bring in as much spell energy as possible. You can find the magical stuff in inns and greenhouses, among other places. You also earn spell energy by completing tasks.
Money is also important. You can use gold coins to brew your own potions faster, buy potions or increase the maximum amount of spell energy. You earn money by completing your daily tasks, leveling up and playing daily. You can also buy the virtual money with ‘real’ money.
Gaming on your iPhone
Not so into the magical world? Fortunately, there will be more than enough cool games for iOS this summer. Do you want to get started now? Then check out the best iOS games from last month.