Woman uses Apple AirTag to track her boyfriend…and kill her

Apple AirTags have been linked to stalking again. A woman followed and killed her boyfriend with the device. Read more in this article.

Apple AirTag used in murder case

Apple’s AirTag has been on the market for over a year now with mixed success. On the one hand, a lot less people lose their precious possessions, on the other hand we hear a lot of stories of stalking incidents. There is now an extra annoying horror story added.

A woman in the US state of Indiana stalked her boyfriend using an Apple AirTag and then killed him. The reason? The boyfriend was having an affair.

Woman uses Apple AirTag to track her boyfriend…and kill her

AirTag used to follow friend

The woman said she had put an AirTag in her boyfriend’s bag. So she was able to follow him to a cafe where her boyfriend was meeting another woman. An argument ensued and the couple was kicked out. In the parking lot, the woman got into her car and killed her boyfriend.

Then the savage girlfriend drove to the woman with whom her boyfriend was having an affair. Fortunately, the police were on the scene in time. The woman was subsequently charged with murder.

While the AirTag wasn’t necessarily used for the murder, it is the umpteenth time that there is a bad taste in using Apple’s tracker device. There have been numerous reports lately of people using Apple’s AirTags in unintended ways.

Apple airtags stalking

Apple tries to tackle stalking with AirTags

Apple continues to lag behind these incidents of stalking with the AirTags. Still, the company is trying to fix the problem with new firmware updates. For example, the AirTag now beeps louder if it has been labeled as ‘unknown’ by your iPhone. For this function, this AirTag must be at your location for a longer period of time.

Another measure by Apple is the launch of an Android app. It can scan for an AirTag belonging to someone else nearby. If this is the case, the app will notify you. An earlier update already provided this warning about stalking on your iPhone with an unknown Apple AirTag.

Read more: Stalking with Apple AirTags: Family Tracked in Disney World

Apple Air Tags

‘AirTags are still very popular’

Still, Apple is not thinking about stopping the sale of the AirTags. According to Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, sales of the tracker continue to grow gradually. According to Kuo, Apple is even thinking of a new version of the popular AirTag.

Do you think the AirTags are still a good buy, despite all the horror stories? Check out our price comparison. The AirTag costs around 35 euros. However, we see these now much cheaper on the market. We will of course keep track of where to find the best deal for you.

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