You can now also plan your public transport trip in the Uber app, that’s how it works

You can now also plan your public transport trip in the Uber app, that's how it works

Uber launches the ability to plan a public transport trip in its app. In this way, in addition to the taxi services already visible in the app, you can plan your journey by bus, train, tram, metro or on foot.

Complete trip plan in the Uber app

Just like NS and 9292, Uber will offer a complete journey planner in its app. You can plan your entire journey from A to B in the Uber app in the Amsterdam region via the ‘Public transport’ function. At the touch of a button, travelers receive a detailed itinerary that takes them to their destination. The app shows available routes by public transport, real-time departure and arrival times of bus, metro, tram and the route can be traveled on foot. This way you can compare and possibly combine your trip and transport options.

With this new feature, Uber wants users to make optimal use of the mobility options in Amsterdam. The company also wants to help prevent congestion and air pollution in the capital. As a travel planner, the ‘Public transportation’ feature contributes to Uber’s long-term goal of reducing private car ownership by providing travelers with accessible, reliable and affordable options. The function will also be made available to the rest of the Netherlands in the coming period.

Do you use Uber a lot and what do you think of this new feature to plan your entire journey from A to B in the Uber app? Let us know in the comments.

You can now also plan your public transport trip in the Uber app, that's how it works

– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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