You can now ‘diagnose’ errors on your iPhone yourself – this is how it works

It will become a lot easier to recognize errors in your iPhone, because you will soon be able to diagnose the device with Apple software. That is how it works!

Recognize errors on your iPhone

Is your iPhone no longer working properly? Then you have various options for having the device made. Apple made repairing iPhones a lot easier last year with the Self Service Repair program. With this service you can repair your iPhone yourself, in which case Apple will send you a repair package. So you no longer have to go to an Apple Store for new parts.

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This program has been expanded this week to 24 European countries, including the Netherlands. In Belgium, the Self Service Repair service has been available since last year. Apple has also announced that it will expand this service with Apple Diagnostics. This is a program that allows you to test which parts of your iPhone need to be replaced. So from now on you can do that all by yourself.

You can now ‘diagnose’ errors on your iPhone yourself – this is how it works

This is how Apple Diagnostics works

Apple Diagnostics makes it – as the name suggests – possible to diagnose problems in your iPhone. This program is already used by authorized Apple sellers and repair providers, but will soon also be available to consumers. You can perform an extensive test on your iPhone with Apple Diagnostics, which will immediately show you which parts need to be replaced.

The software is mainly intended for consumers who know how to replace parts on an iPhone. Still, Apple Diagnostics is useful for everyone, especially if you think that your iPhone is no longer working properly. You will then immediately see where the error is in your iPhone, without going to an Apple Store. This way you will have a better idea of ​​what costs you should take into account in advance for any repairs.

Apple repair

Self Service Repair program now available

We will have to wait a little longer for Apple Diagnostics, because the program will first appear in the United States. The software will come to Europe next year, it is not yet known when we can expect the program in 2024. Apple’s Self Service Repair program is available in the Netherlands and Belgium. Look at Here’s how you can request a repair package from Apple.

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Do you have no experience with repairs yourself? Then Apple recommends that you come to the Apple Store for professional help. The Self Service Repair program is also available for other Apple devices. This way you can also make all Macs with an M2 chip yourself. Furthermore, the iPhone 12, iPhone 13, iPhone 14 and iPhone 15 support the program. Read more about the Self Service Repair program here!

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