According to a recent study, you shouldn’t use some emojis anymore. These emojis are now on the ban list.
You Shouldn’t Use These Emojis Anymore (And Here’s Why)
A recent study shows that some emojis and abbreviations are no longer acceptable. They are used less often or bring out too many negative reactions. That’s why it’s time to say goodbye to this ‘extinct’ digital language!
At the top of the list is the angry face. This emoji is really overused. And the most hated abbreviation is RIP (Rest in Peace). You can view the entire top ten below!
Emojis and abbreviations that are falling out of favor:

1. Furious face
This face was always used to show when you are irritated. But is now seen as an overreaction for minor annoyances. It was overused and is therefore passé.
The abbreviation RIP can also be buried. It was once meant to be funny to convey a loss (of something small). But it has now become a cliché that no one can really take seriously anymore.
3. WTF
The term WTF (What The F***) seems to have lost its impact. The expression was intended to express disbelief, but today it is used inappropriately.

4. Skull
The skull has also lost its shine as well. The emoji was once used humorously and playfully (“I’m dying of laughter”), but is now seen as a lame expression.

5. Pleading face
The pleading face (how cute) now feels like an overused way to get attention. Too cute is not always a positive thing.
The abbreviation stands for ‘Fear of missing out’ and was once the perfect word to describe the fear of missing something fun or important. But the abbreviation is now seen as an outdated trend that has lost its relevance.
7. SMH
‘Shaking My Head’ or ‘Shaking My Head’ is also not done these days. Where it once hinted at frustration or disappointment, it now feels like a bland way to convey emotion.
8. IKR
IKR meant ‘I Know, Right’, but is no longer seen as a sincere response these days. The power of this expression has therefore completely disappeared.

9. Thinking face
The thinking face was once the symbol of cleverness, but has been degraded to uninteresting through overuse.

10. Snake
The slang, often used to represent unreliability, is now ‘basic’. You should therefore no longer use it.
These were the top 10 emojis that you shouldn’t use anymore. Which emojis do you think you can no longer use? Let us know in the comments below!