Vital substances are important: how to get enough of them

Vital substances are important: how to get enough of them
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / LustrousTaiwan

Vital substances are very important for your health. Here you can find out what vital substances are and with which foods you eat enough of them.

Vital substances are vital nutrients that the human body cannot produce itself and must therefore obtain from food. They are particularly important for vital metabolic processes in the body. Vital substances are less important for energy production, so they cannot be measured in calories.

There is no unambiguous and clear definition of the term “vital substance”. Vital substances are often used as a synonym for micronutrients. However, that is not entirely true: Although micronutrients make up a large part of the vital substances, there are other vital substance groups such as essential amino acids and essential fatty acids.

Vital substances: micronutrients vs. macronutrients

Nutrients are divided into micro and macro nutrients. To the macronutrients counting carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Our food consists mainly of macronutrients, as they primarily provide energy for the body and serve as a building material.

Vital substances consist mainly of micronutrientsto them vitamins and minerals counting. These are very versatile and take on different functions in the body. Among other things, they are important for: the immune and nervous systems, the cardiovascular system, bone formation and the renewal of hair, skin and nails.

What vital substances are there?

There are different groups of vital substances that are contained in different foods and that our body cannot produce itself:

vitamins: With a few exceptions such as vitamin D, vitamins cannot be produced by the body. We must therefore ingest them with food. You should eat as balanced and healthy as possible. The fresher the fruit and vegetables, the higher the vitamin content they contain.

minerals: Minerals are also essential for the human organism. Unlike vitamins, minerals are inorganic compounds: Inorganic substances are chemical compounds that do not contain carbon. Depending on their content in the body, minerals are bulk and trace elements assigned. The set elements include, for example sodium or magnesium. Trace elements are contained in the body in lower concentrations. These include, for example iron, iodine or zinc.

Other vital substance groups

Vital substances are mainly found in fresh fruit and vegetables.
Vital substances are mainly found in fresh fruit and vegetables. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / dbreen)

There are also other groups of vital substances that do not belong to the micronutrients:

Essential Amino Acids: As protein building blocks, they are involved in various metabolic processes. Unlike non-essential amino acids, they cannot be manufactured by the body. The essential amino acids include isoleucine, leucine or lysine. They are in legumes, nutsgrains and green vegetables like spinach and broccoli.

Essential Fatty Acids: It will saturated and unsaturated fatty acids distinguished. Saturated fatty acids are particularly found in animal products such as sausage or meat. You should only consume them in small amounts as they can have a negative effect on your cardiovascular system. Unsaturated fatty acids are mainly found in plants and vegetable oils and have a positive effect on your health. The unsaturated fatty acids include the essential fatty acids, which we have to absorb through food. There are two types of essential fatty acids:

  • linoleic acid (one Omega 6 fatty acid) is contained in sunflower oil or almonds, for example.
  • Alpha Linolenic Acid (one Omega-3 fatty acid) is for example in linseed or walnuts contain.

lack of vital substances?

A lack of vital substances develops insidiously over a longer period of time. The symptoms usually only become noticeable later. This includes:

  • fatigue
  • depressive moods
  • mood swings
  • concentration problems
  • memory lapses

If you have several of these symptoms, it is a good idea to have one blood test to do with your family doctor. This can inform you about a possible defect. However, extreme vital substance deficits are rather rare in Germany.

Balanced nutrition against lack of vital substances

feed yourself balanced and healthyto prevent a lack of vital substances. A healthy diet consists of:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables
  • whole grain products
  • nuts
  • if you don’t want to do without it, also moderate amounts of animal products

In order to buy food that is as healthy and sustainable as possible, pay attention to what you eat organic-quality as well seasonality and regionality. Reliable organic seals are for example demeter, natural land or organic land.


  • Nutrient deficiency: how to recognize it and what you can do about it
  • Eating with the Season: Are Seasonal Vegetables Really Better?
  • Balanced nutrition: 10 rules for everyday life


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