Do you want to do something for your endurance, but can’t or don’t want to jog? Then rucking could be worth a try. A sports scientist explains what it’s all about – and gives tips for beginners.
Long marches on foot with a lot of weight on your back – sounds like the military somehow? When it comes to rucking, this association is correct. Because this training has its origins there, more precisely: in the USA.
Rucking means nothing other than walking with a weighted backpack. If you look at it closely, hiking with luggage on your back also counts as such. Sometimes jogging with additional weights is also referred to using this term, as sports scientist Andreas Barz explains. The most important questions at a glance:
Is rucking for me?
“Rucking is an interesting form of training for anyone looking for an alternative to jogging and not just wanting to go for a walk,” says Andreas Barz, a lecturer at the German University for Prevention and Health Management/BSA Academy.
It has a slightly greater training effect than a simple walk, but is not nearly as strenuous as running and also puts less strain on the musculoskeletal system. The training can be easily adapted to your own fitness level, says the sports scientist. If you want to increase the intensity, run uphill, pack your backpack a little heavier – or plan to walk more kilometers.
What benefits does jerking bring to the body?
First of all, rucking trains what sports scientists call basic endurance, the basis of all athletic performance. If you go the extra mile, you can even use it to lose weight: “The calorie consumption per hour when rucking can be more than twice as high as when walking on a straight path without additional weight,” says Andreas Barz. According to the sports scientist, those who walk on uneven terrain also train coordination and sure-footedness.
What should I consider if I want to try rucking?
“If you can walk without any problems, you can also try rucking,” says Andreas Barz. The good thing is that you can try it out without any major hurdles, because no special equipment is necessary. The backpack you already have at home is completely sufficient.
It is important to follow a few rules when packing for the sake of your spine. The weight should be stored close to your back and not slide around in the bag. Andreas Barz recommends starting with five to ten kilograms of additional weight and gradually increasing the weight.
What if I want to jog with extra weight?
The sports scientist advises starting out cautiously. The reason: “The additional load results in significantly greater braking forces and a much higher load on the musculoskeletal system.” If you’re not careful, you risk overloading and injury.
The sports scientist only recommends jogging with additional weights if you already have a certain amount of running experience. And even then, the rule is: start with short distances and low weights and listen carefully to your own body. It is also a good idea to get a special backpack with a hip belt to keep the weight firmly attached to your body.
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