WhatsApp has finally rolled out the update that allows you to send messages to yourself. Read here how to start a conversation with yourself!
New WhatsApp update
Do you ever take notes in WhatsApp? Or do you want to send yourself a reminder? Then there is good news, because Meta today rolled out a WhatsApp update that makes it easier to send messages to yourself.
It was previously possible to start a WhatsApp conversation with yourself. Before that you had to create a group conversation with someone else, if you deleted that person you had a conversation with only yourself. Quite cumbersome, so Meta has come up with a solution.
Start a conversation with yourself: this is how you do it
The new update makes it much easier to start a conversation with yourself. We explain how you can send yourself messages with the WhatsApp update:
This is how you send yourself a message in WhatsApp
- Open WhatsApp;
- Go to ‘Chats’ at the bottom;
- Tap the square with the pen at the top right;
- Select ‘Send message to yourself’.
You may not see the new function yet, because the update is not immediately available for everyone. Everyone can get started with the new function in the coming weeks.
Sending messages to yourself: why?
This quick way to start a conversation with yourself is especially useful for sharing files, notes, and photos across devices. You can find the WhatsApp conversation with yourself on all devices on which you have installed WhatsApp. This way you also have the files that you have sent to yourself immediately available everywhere.
In addition, it is of course very useful to send yourself a reminder, note or shopping list on WhatsApp. Pin your own conversation and you will see your reminder or shopping list immediately when you open WhatsApp. So you never have to search your notes again!
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