1 in 10 Dutch people are completely unaware of the condition of car tires

Do you check your car tires?

1 in 10 Dutch people are completely unaware of the condition of car tires

Few things are as important for your own safety and that of others on the road as decent rubber under your car. It is of course very helpful if your car tires are in good condition. No fewer than 1 in 10 Dutch people have no idea about the condition of their car tires.

Only 40 percent of the Dutch are only somewhat aware of the tire pressure and the condition of the tires under their car. This is the conclusion of research by tire manufacturer Bridgestone among 1,125 Dutch car owners aged eighteen or older. What seems? Even ten percent of those surveyed say they have no idea what the flag is in terms of tire condition.

For example, only 17.5 percent of the respondents check their tires once every six months. More than five percent say they never check their car tyres. The younger the Dutch car owner, the less he or she seems to care about the car tires, Bridgestone reports. Young people not only check their tires less often than the Dutch in higher age categories, but they also know less often whether they have a spare wheel in their car. More than a third of all respondents do not have a spare wheel.

Before we go on holiday by car, we seem to forget the tire check. About 45 percent of those surveyed carry out an extra general check before a car holiday. A quarter of the Dutch ‘do not always’ check the tires before departure. Nearly nine percent say they never do this at all.

How often do you check the condition of your tires? And do you check the condition of the rubber around your wheels before you go on holiday? Let us know in the comments.


– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl

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