5 reasons to buy (not) a refurbished iPhone 12

The iPhone 12 is now also available refurbished. Is such a device worth it to you, or is it better to go for a brand new phone? In this article we list the pros and cons of a refurbished iPhone 12.

Buying a Refurbished iPhone 12: Do or Don’t?

Refurbished iPhones are all the rage. These phones have been in use before but checked from head to toe and therefore work like new. Moreover, you get a warranty and a ‘reconditioned’ device is cheaper than a brand new one. Also nice: refurbished is of course very sustainable, because you give a phone a second life.

You would therefore say that it is obvious: buying refurbished is always better. However, that is not the case. There are also downsides to buying a previously used phone. That is why we take stock in this article. Is it better to buy a refurbished iPhone 12, or go for a new one?

The advantages of refurbished

Starting with the positives. This is why refurbished isn’t such a bad idea at all.

1. Price-quality is rock solid

The iPhone 12 is a very good phone. Point. Apple released the device at the end of 2020 and in our opinion it is the best entry-level iPhone in recent years. The smartphone has been significantly improved in several areas compared to predecessors such as the iPhone 11.

The device is identical in many areas to the much more expensive iPhone 12 Pro. Just look at the shared OLED screen, the same (powerful) processor, design and support for 5G internet.

As a result, last year’s iPhone has moved more than ever to the more expensive Pro version. The latter is therefore especially worthwhile if you are involved in photography a lot. After all, the iPhone 12 Pro has three cameras on the back and a special LiDAR sensor to take portrait photos.

The point remains that the iPhone 12 (and identical iPhone 12 mini) is an excellent phone that can last for years to come. In the core, it makes very little difference whether you buy it new in the box, or as a refurbished copy. Both versions are technically in equally good condition and therefore promise the same quality.

2. Long software support

Building on the previous plus, we come to software support. The iPhone 12 is coming from 2020 and normally Apple updates its phones with new iOS versions for at least five years. Because the device came with iOS 14, you are probably fine until at least iOS 19. This iPhone update will be released in 2025.

So you don’t have to leave the device behind for software support. Apple never announces in advance how long a smartphone will receive updates, but as a rule this is always at least five years. Buying a refurbished iPhone 12 is therefore a good idea with a view to the future.

3. Sustainability

A refurbished iPhone 12 is better for the environment than a new one. There are a lot of precious materials in modern smartphones that can only be taken out of the ground once.

This is especially an important point for attention with a view to the future. The number of worldwide smartphone users is still increasing and therefore there is no end to the demand for important raw materials for the time being. The entire industry is working on making it more sustainable and by buying refurbished you contribute to this.

→ Also interesting: Analysis: the iPhone 12 . is so durable

The downsides of refurbished

But, there are also reasons why you might not want to buy a refurbished iPhone 12. Below we discuss the most important.

4. The eye wants something too

The main one is the outward condition. Refurbished phones have been in use before and may therefore contain signs of use. How cool or battered the smartphone looks is clear from the condition. Of course, a device with a scratch here and there is cheaper than a flawless one.

In practice, this means that if you want to buy a refurbished iPhone 12 that is as good as new, the suggested retail price does not differ much from a brand new one.

A quick look at our iPhone 12 price comparison shows that you can currently save between 5 and 80 euros by buying a previously used one. With a refurbished iPhone 12 mini, the difference is even less: you save about 55 euros by buying a refurbished device.

This is of course a nice ‘discount’, but not an earth-shattering amount. You only really benefit from it when you buy a refurbished iPhone 12 with more traces of use. The question is, of course, whether you’re interested in this.

iphone 12

5. Wanting the latest

It’s a cliché, but the developments in the smartphone industry are moving at lightning speed. If you have just bought a new phone, its successor (with all kinds of new functions) will already be in the store a few months later. This general point of criticism also applies to buying a refurbished iPhone 12.

The 5G support is especially worth looking at. The Dutch version of the iPhone 12 cannot handle the fastest version of the mobile network, unlike the variant that is sold in America.

That’s right. The iPhone 12 is the first Apple smartphone with 5G and the company suffered from chip shortages during production. Because the 5G network in America is already a lot more mature, the company decided to put the fastest chips in the phones sold there.

Sour for us Europeans, because the (refurbished) iPhone 12 that you buy here is actually less good than the American version. The Dutch variant can only handle the lowest 5G frequency; the one on the other side of the ocean can also handle the mid and higher ‘bands’.

In short, this means that the Dutch iPhone 12 does have 5G, but not the fastest variant (which will be rolled out in the Netherlands in the coming years). Rumor has it that the iPhone 13, which will be announced this fall, will have it. How ‘bad’ this is depends mainly on your personal preferences. In the article below we provide you with advice.

→ Read more: Advice: How future-proof is 5G on the iPhone 12?

Conclusion: what is wisdom?

So, is it a smart idea to buy a refurbished iPhone 12? As always, this mainly depends on your personal wishes and preferences. A refurbished copy is always cheaper than a new version, the same quality and also more sustainable for the environment.

On the other hand, you may not find it appealing that your phone has been in use before. Moreover, it just depends on the price you pay for a refurbished iPhone 12, because sometimes it makes very little difference compared to a new one. Devices with existing signs of wear especially depress the new price considerably, but it is up to you whether you find this an attractive option.

Here you can buy a refurbished iPhone 12

Are you out? Even then we are happy to help you. iPhoned has an extensive price comparator.

Here you can filter online stores per iPhone by price, color, storage capacity and more. In the price comparison, you can also look for the best refurbished iPhone 12 by turning on this filter. The links below will take you to the best comparator for your needs:

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