5 reasons why Memento is the best to-do app for your iPhone

The already existing reminder app Reminder has been completely revamped by the developers and renamed Memento. Now it is also the best task app for your Apple devices.

Memento lists memories

The app is intended to be a direct competitor to Apple’s standard Reminders app, entering the App Store in 2017 under the name Reminder. However, the makers have given the app such a metamorphosis that it was time for a new name.

As Memento, the app is everything you need from an app that keeps track of your tasks and reminders, for everything you want. You can keep track of not only work or study tasks, but also a list of films that you still want to see in the coming month. This is why you should try Memento too.

1. Support Reminders and iCloud

Although Memento serves as a competitor to Memories, the makers are smart enough to build in integration of that app. This allows you to switch effortlessly from one app to another because they synchronize with each other.

5 reasons why Memento is the best to-do app for your iPhone

Another advantage is that this way you can store all your reminders and tasks in iCloud, via the Reminders app. This way you always have a backup of this and you do not lose all your lists when you install a new iPhone, for example.

Moreover, the app is always synchronized on all your devices. When you use both an iPhone and an iPad, Memento switches effortlessly with you.

2. Functional notifications

In the renewed app, attention has been paid to how you can set reminders and tasks as easily as possible and how the notifications are as handy as possible. In addition to time, you can also set notifications based on a location; when you reach it, a notification of a reminder will appear.

You can fully personalize these notifications, so that you receive different notifications for, for example, chores or work-related tasks. You can also use 3D Touch or Haptic Touch to make a notification extra valuable. By pressing it you can check off the reminder, edit it, cut it for an hour or quickly move it to the next day.

This allows you to easily keep your tasks organized and often operate the app without actually opening it. By pressing it hard, you can also quickly add a new reminder to the category you want.

3. Apple Watch Support

It is not interesting for every iPhone or iPad owner, but for Apple Watch owners it is a big advantage that Memento offers support for the watch. Thanks to the watchOS app, you can easily check reminder notifications from your wrist and you can also quickly snooze or adjust them.

4. Clear design

The design of the app already offers a lot of overview, because a lot of white space is used and you can set how your overview should look like.

For example, you can view a list of everything per category, or show it in blocks so that the app is very similar to the controls in Apple’s Home app for HomeKit devices. It is also possible to view your tasks and reminders per day. This makes the app more like a calendar and to do list.

5. Dark Mode

It is especially nice in the evenings not to look at a bright white screen. A nice extra to Memento is the Dark Mode, which secretly also looks very sleek during the day. In addition, you save some extra battery.

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