Oat drink instead of cow's milk, wheat meatballs instead of beef burgers. More and more people are giving up animal foods and turning to alternatives. Especially when it comes to meat and milk, there is one vegan substitute product after the next in the supermarkets. The selection of fish alternatives is also visibly growing: carrot salmon, vegan fish fingers made from salsify, tuna substitutes made from soy. And thats just the beginning.
“We will need good alternatives to fish in the future,” says Christian Zacherl, food business unit manager at the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging (IVV). “Fish and seafood are currently not ecologically sustainable foods.”
Zacherl points out that, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), around 90 percent of all usable fish stocks have been fished to the maximum or have already been overfished.
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