Photo worth seeing: Everything flows

Photo worth seeing: Everything flows

Wild mountain streams, lively puddles, quiet ponds, bubbling springs and lakes throughout the year – nature conservationist Karin Hochegger takes us to the waters of her Austrian homeland.

What is typical of a body of water? What animals and plants exist there? And how does water benefit us humans? The author clearly explains the water cycle and the connection between water quality and biodiversity. It provides information about hydrology and ecology and also addresses the cultural significance of water.

Hochegger critically observes how humans intervene in the landscape and hinder the natural flow of water. Straightened rivers, drained ponds and moors, silted up lakes – all of this falls back on us and deprives many species of their habitat. As an expert in the restoration of wetlands, Hochegger calls for smarter use of water as a resource. She gives tips on collecting rainwater and addresses water management in the forest.

Last but not least, water bodies are also valuable places for people to relax – all the more reason to protect them, warns the author. Her book, which alternates between facts and natural impressions, provides important arguments about water protection and stimulates thought. Atmospheric photos of water landscapes enrich the text. Petra Wiemann

Karin Hochegger
The gifts of water
Anton Pustet, 256 pages, € 30,–
ISBN 978-3-7025-1122-7

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