The Klima app has a number of options to control your personal CO2calculate contribution, including a CO2-calculator.
Dennis Gandasoebrata
Curious about your CO2footprint? It is interesting to jeen, and an app can provide this. There is Klima. This app has a number of options, including a CO2-calculator.
In addition to a calculator that provides an indication of emissions based on your lifestyle, a lot of attention has been paid to information in the app. The app stands out because of its neat and clear user environment, which gives you quick insight into your personal profile. There are videos showing how to use your CO2footprint and, for example, reduce the amount of greenhouse gases. The number of projects you can participate in is regularly expanded. According to the makers, the app takes into account the country in which you live. You will be asked a number of multiple choice questions, which you can answer relatively quickly. You can always adjust the answers at a later time to let the app make a more accurate estimate.
The app is the product of one social startup from Berlin. The group has now been active for about five years. In the app you will also find various projects with which you can contribute financially to reducing global CO2emissions. You will find more explanation and background information about the chosen projects on the makers’ website.
Product: Climate (
Price: free
System requirements: Android 6.0+, iOS 14.0+
Language: English