Solar Team Eindhoven shows Show solar car

The students of Solar Team Eindhoven of the Eindhoven University of Technology have for years focused on electric cars that generate their energy through solar cells. In recent years, the Solar Team Eindhoven has opted for a racing car, but this year the bright minds are taking a different path.

For the past four years, the Solar Team Eindhoven student team of Eindhoven University of Technology has been making race cars with solar panels that listen to the name Stella, but this year the team has chosen a different route. We get to see a sketch of the ‘Show’, a car that Solar Team Eindhoven describes as a ‘moving house on solar energy’. The name of the car therefore stands for S.elf sustaining H.ouse On W.heels. Despite its low, curved shape, the car promises to be spacious thanks to a large lifting roof.

Solar Team Eindhoven shows Show solar car

The fourth and last Stella, the Stella Era (2019)

According to its creative creators, the Show should generate enough solar energy to drive, but also to take a shower, watch TV and, for example, charge equipment. “The Show is self-sufficient in terms of energy and independent of the charging infrastructure. This shows that driving on solar energy offers many possibilities. The energy generated is used for both driving and living. Everything comes together in one independent energy system,” says Kjell Revenberg, team manager of Solar Team Eindhoven, in an accompanying letter, expecting to be able to send the Show on the road in September.

The Solar Team Eindhoven consists of 22 students from Eindhoven University of Technology. The study will be postponed for 1.5 years to develop a solar-powered vehicle. In recent years, the Stella’s have served as inspiration for the Lightyear One, an EV with solar panels that is to be launched in the Netherlands this year. You can read more about this here.

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