Lightning-fast magnifying glass in iOS

With iOS you always have a magnifying glass in your pocket

Sometimes a magnifying glass comes in handy. And not only if you are older or have poor vision! For example, just take the miniscule parts (and associated markings) on a printed circuit board. Always handy if you can make it easier to read. Can be used in iOS thanks to a digital magnifying glass.

The iPad and iPhone have an excellent camera. And of course you can do much more with it than just shoot photos or videos. Start the Settings app and tap Accessibility. Then tap Magnifying glass (below) SEE. Then switch the option Magnifying glass and Adjust exposure automatically in. You can now start the digital magnifying glass by pressing the Home button three times. If your iPhone or iPad no longer has a Home button, you press the top button on your device three times, or the on / off button.

Freeze image

In the magnifying glass app you see a slider. You can set the magnification factor by moving it upwards. The first steps remain sharp; most likely because a cut out of the image sensor is simply made and therefore no new pixels have to be calculated. You can see that the noise increases somewhat, so good exposure of the object to be enlarged is useful. You can optionally use the LED lamp in your i-device. To switch this on, tap the lightning symbol. The “shutter button” works differently than in the camera app. Instead of taking a photo with it, the image is frozen. Then you can also zoom in and out again on that frozen image! And if you suddenly have something special in view that you want to capture, you can take a screenshot. For an iPad or iPhone with Home button, you simultaneously press the Home and on / off button. With a Home button-less i device, you simultaneously press the on / off button and the volume up button. To close the magnifying glass app, swipe it up.

With iOS you always have a magnifying glass in your pocket
A digital magnifying glass always comes in handy!

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