Torn corners of the mouth are unsightly and can be painful. We’ll tell you what causes it and what home remedies can help.
There are different causes of cracked skin on the corners of the mouth. The most common of these are:
- Dry air and cold. Many people have torn corners of their mouths, especially in winter. Because of the dry air from heaters or when it is freezing outside, the sensitive skin around the mouth does not get enough moisture. The cold also irritates the skin.
- Often torn corners of the mouth are an indication of one Nutritional deficiency. They can indicate that you like vitamin B12, vitamin C, or zinc Iron is missing.
- Also Infections on the mouth can lead to torn corners of the mouth – for example herpes, bacteria or fungi.
Nutrients against cracked corners of the mouth

(Photo: CCO / pixabay / martaposemuckel)
If you often suffer from torn corners of your mouth, even outside of winter, you should step up to one balanced nutrition respect, think highly of. The following vitamins and trace elements are particularly important:
- zinc: The trace element is found in oat flakes, for example, lenses or Sunflower seeds.
- vitamin C: This vitamin is found in berries, citrus fruits, paprika and many types of cabbage.
- Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is mainly found in animal foods (beef liver, redfish, hen’s eggs or cheese). Nevertheless: Not only vegans or vegetarians are prone to vitamin B12 deficiency. Dietary supplements or toothpaste enriched with vitamin B12 (the vitamin is best absorbed through the gums) can counteract a deficiency.
- iron: To remedy a deficiency, you should make sure that Pumpkin seeds, Beetroot, spinach or beans are on your menu more often. But also in millet, Spelt and whole grain rice contains iron.
Only a doctor can find out with a blood count whether the torn corners of the mouth are actually caused by a nutritional deficiency. Basically, however, you should pay attention to a balanced diet.
This is how you care for torn corners of your mouth

(Photo: CCO / pixabay / stevepb)
There are many home remedies you can use to treat cracked corners of your mouth:
- honey with its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects is well suited. It also acts like a protective film and makes dry skin supple again. Make sure to buy local honey to support local beekeepers. You can also orientate yourself on the designation “Real German Honey”, which guarantees certain quality standards.
- olive oil helps through the oily texture and ingredients of the olive.
- High fat Creams, such as Milking fat, or Wound and healing ointments have a regenerating effect on the torn corners of the mouth and make the skin nice and supple again. You can get organic milking fat for example at **Avocado Store.
- Marigold, also called calendula, has a disinfecting effect on the affected area as an ointment or tincture. By the way, you can make a marigold ointment yourself.
- Sage tea also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Dab it on the inflamed area several times a day.
- Coconut oil soothes and nourishes the skin. Dab the affected area several times a day. The lips are also nice and supple. However, you should be aware that coconut oil is a bad one due to its long transport routes Life cycle assessment has – so try regional alternatives first if the corners of your mouth are torn.
If the torn corners of the mouth do not go away despite care and a balanced diet, you should seek medical advice.
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