5 reasons why social network Vero will or will not be a success

The new social network Vero suddenly appears on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, among others. What is it? And is this a keeper?


New social networks come and go, but rarely does one really succeed. Some start-ups do manage to reach their own niche, but no one will be as big as Twitter, for example.

Nevertheless, a successful alternative is welcome, because there are many complaints about the existing platforms. The new social network Vero is making a good effort and is currently in the first place in the App Store. You should know this about it.

1. It’s a beautiful app

Vero is an attractive app with a focus on images. You do not post any text, but after pressing the plus you share, for example, a book you read, a movie you have seen or music that makes you enthusiastic. You can also post a location, link or photo. You can type text, but the focus is always the image. In that sense, the app is a bit like Instagram.

5 reasons why social network Vero will or will not be a success

If you look through the timeline, you will come across all kinds of cool things that people recommend. If you tap on a film, you will immediately receive information about the actors, for example. You can play music directly in Apple Music. Conveniently, you can also view collections of books, movies or music, which bundles all the items recommended by the folks who follow. For example, if you are looking for a new movie to watch, you can take a look at the movie collection.

2. Users register en masse

Vero is not really new, because it has been around since 2015. Still, the app has suddenly received a lot of attention on other platforms since last week. This is largely due to a very smart bait technique. The makers promise that the first million users can use the app for free for the rest of their lives. People therefore register quickly, because who knows, it might one day become very popular. Vero is now at the top of the top list of free apps in the App Store.


The app has no ads. Vero also states that it collects minimal data from its users in order to guarantee your privacy. For example, Vero says not to sell your data to advertisers or other parties. In the future, users will likely need to subscribe to use the app. This may only be a few euros per year.

3. Your timeline is chronological

Another reason users switch to Vero from existing social networks is because they are frustrated with the algorithms that stop timelines from being displayed chronologically. Take a look on Instagram under the hashtag #Vero. More than half a million users have posted an image of their Vero account. Since 2016, Instagram no longer places the photos on timelines in chronological order.


4. You decide who you share with

A great idea is to give all connections a level of friendship that only you can see. You indicate whether someone is an acquaintance, friend or good friend. Every time you share something, you decide whether it goes only to your close friends, to all your friends, including your acquaintances or anyone who follows you. On Twitter, for example, many people have two accounts, to share things with everyone or with a select group. That is not necessary with Vero. It is even possible to create three different avatars.


5. Uncertain future

Because of the above points, Vero has the potential to stay here, but chances are that we will have forgotten the app again next year. The past shows that new social networks rarely really get off the ground, because most people stick with the existing platforms. After all, that is where the most users are and that is how you reach the most readers with your messages.

In addition, Vero’s future is very questionable. A large team is working on the app, but no money is coming in at the moment. It’s not cheap to keep a social network running. Would you like to try it anyway? Download the app via the link below in the App Store and let us know what you think in the comments below this article.

→ Download Vero from the App Store (free)

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