Why body shaming is of no use to anyone

Why body shaming is of no use to anyone

Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Greyerbaby

Too fat, too thin, too big, too small – who is perfect anyway? Body shaming is physical bullying. Not only does it hurt those affected, but it is also of no use to anyone. You can find out what body shaming exactly is and what its consequences can be in this article.

Society sets norms that are not always healthy or helpful. It is the same with appearance and body shape. As a woman you should be slim, as a man you should be trained, just not too thin or too fat. Everything that deviates from this ideal is not accepted, is ridiculed or labeled as lazy. In particular through the media, a body image is conveyed as ideal, which for many people can not only be unrealistic, but also unhealthy. If you still do not achieve it, it is not uncommon for bullying, so-called body shaming, to be expected. The consequences? A mentally and physically sick society.

What is body shaming?

Under body shaming there is one Condemnation, judgment or bullying regarding physical appearance Understood. Body shaming discriminates against people for their appearance. This affects both too thin and too fat people, as well as other external factors. Both men and women can be affected, with girls and Statistically more frequently affected women are. Probably because outward appearances play an (even) greater role in the female sex.

Body shaming through social media

Social media promotes body shaming.
Social media promotes body shaming. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Alltechbuzz)

On the most diverse Social media The ideal bodies are presented to channels and a hype about the perfect body image is created. This conveys images of an ideal body that most of the population does not have. In addition, the images on social media often do not reflect the real image. Editing programs create an illusion of the perfect body, which is not healthy and realistic for everyone. Even in childhood and adolescence, we are thus shaped by an unrealistic body image.

Fat shaming

Fat shaming is one of the most popular forms of body shaming. This describes the discrimination against overweight people. In everyday life, overweight people often have to struggle with hurtful prejudices such as laziness and advice on losing weight and doing sports. Studies found that obese people are also at a disadvantage in their professional life because they are less trusted.

Consequences of body shaming?

Body shaming can promote depression.
Body shaming can promote depression. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / mprietou)

Like any other form of bullying, body shaming is an enormous psychological burden. The devaluation that is experienced leads to self-stigmatization, that is, one’s own devaluation. On the one hand, this can aggravate the original problem; on the other hand, it has further health consequences that limit the quality of life. A Decreased well-being, low self-esteem, anxiety and mental disorders such as depression, often accompanied by suicidal thoughts, count. In addition, the focus on the outside increases the riskhaving an eating disorder. Even though an eating disorder can affect anyone, young girls in particular are at risk. According to opinion poll of the Robert Koch Institute, over 30% of young girls between 14 and 17 years of age show signs of impaired eating behavior.

The countermovement: body positivity

As a countermovement to body shaming, more and more people are celebrating their bodies in every state. This countermovement will Body positivity called. Overweight people post pictures on social media in which they put their bodies in the limelight. Is that the solution? Experts take a critical view of the countermovement, as too much attention is paid to the body and to external appearance. A neutral attitude towards the body should be the goal.

What can I do if I am affected by body shaming?

Experts help you deal with body shaming.
Experts help you deal with body shaming. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / geralt)

A thick skin that bounces off nasty comments is usually not enough for body shaming. Even if this, as well as the exchange with other affected persons, can be a support, you should definitely seek help from experts. Psychotherapists and doctors can help you overcome depression and anxiety, yours self-consciousness to strengthen and thus to more again Wellbeing help.

Read more on Techzle.com:

  • Body positivity: 5 steps to more self-love
  • Getting Rid of Negative Thoughts: How to Handle Them
  • Overcoming Depression: How You Can Help Sufferers


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