Half of European ID3 buyers are new to Volkswagen

Half of European ID3 buyers are new to Volkswagen

Volkswagen says it can look back on a successful first year with the ID3. The car attracted 144,000 buyers, almost half of which were new to Volkswagen.

The Volkswagen ID3 appeared in the autumn of 2020 at the first European dealers, including the Dutch. The car has now been with us for a year and in that year Volkswagen managed to sell 144,000 in Europe. In 70,000 of those cases, it concerned new customers for the Volkswagen brand, i.e. people who did not drive a Volkswagen before purchasing the ID3.

Thanks to the success of the ID3 and its big brother ID4, Volkswagen can now call itself the European market leader in EVs. In August, the ID3 specifically was also the best-selling EV in our continent. Until the last month, a total of more than 11,500 ID3s were sold in the Netherlands, which means that the share of our country is not too bad, given the initial success of the ‘bijtelling blast’. Incidentally, the vast majority of ID3s (10,980) were registered in 2020, which does not mean that they were also delivered then. In 2021, according to official registrations, the model will therefore remain at less than 600 units.

– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl

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