Europe wants to ban the sale of new cars with a fuel engine from 2035. But before we can switch to electric cars en masse, tens of millions of charging stations have to be built. It is estimated that no fewer than 65 million charging points will be needed in thirteen years’ time. And they aren’t there yet…

Car manufacturers have been warning about a shortage of charging stations for some time. Ernst & Young consultancy and the European trade association for the electricity sector are now doing the same. They have researched that there should be about 65 million charging stations in Europe by 2035, of which 85 percent in people’s homes. This means that almost 10 million public charging points are needed. At the moment there are less than 250,000.
The Netherlands has 30 percent of all charging stations in Europe
The Netherlands is doing very well in that regard. According to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), we had more than 85,000 public charging stations and fast chargers on 20 January. In other words, more than 30 percent of the European total. There are currently about 3.3 million electric cars on the road in the EU. That number is expected to explode in the near future, but 130 million in 2035.