Is it true that plastic is a raw material?

My master says that, but you can’t find plastic in the ground, can you?

Asker: Yoran , 10 years


Dear Yoran,

a raw material is a material that you use to make something. Some raw materials actually come from the ground: just think of coal, petroleum or metal ores, but there are also a lot of raw materials that we find above ground: water, oxygen, wood,…

The examples given so far are basic raw materials. Plastic is not a basic raw material because it was first created by humans (from, for example, the raw material oil). However, plastic can then serve as a raw material for all kinds of objects: just think of plastic cups, toothbrushes, packaging material, toys,…

So your master has certainly used the word raw material correctly: a raw material is a basic material with which to make something.

Is it true that plastic is a raw material?

Answered by

Prof. Dr. Geert-Jan Graulus

(Bio)chemistry Protein-based materials Tissue regeneration biosensors

Hasselt University
Agoralaan University Campus Building D BE-3590 Diepenbeek


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