Joie de vivre: How to learn to enjoy your life

Joie de vivre: How to learn to enjoy your life
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / avi_acl

The inner attitude is much more decisive for your zest for life than external circumstances. We often let negative experiences rob us of our joy. These tips can help you increase your zest for life.

To live a joyful life, it is first important to cultivate an attitude that you deserve joy and happiness. Joie de vivre is not something unattainable that is only bestowed upon others. Nobody but yourself is responsible for you and your happiness.

So first get to know and appreciate yourself better. The following tips can be helpful for this:

  • Take time for yourself. Meditation and yoga can be a valuable tool to recognize and observe you and your feelings.
  • Don’t be too strict with yourself. High expectations and self-criticism can stand in the way of joie de vivre. Instead, develop self-care mindfulness. It helps you to observe your actions closely without judging yourself.
  • Watch your language. Not only your tone with your fellow human beings is meant, but how you formulate your thoughts towards yourself. Ask yourself if you would talk that way to your best friends.
  • Learn to live in the present. You are much more than the sum of your past experiences. Forgive yourself and let go of the past to find joy in the moment. In addition to mindfulness exercises, it can also be useful to clear out your apartment to free yourself from old ballast.
  • Become aware of your strengths.

For more joie de vivre: take care of yourself and your body

Meditation can help you find joy in life.
Meditation can help you find joy in life.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Binja69)

The next step is to respect yourself and your body and to treat yourself with love.

It is important that you do not act out of the urge to optimize yourself, but rather out of self-love. These practical tips can help you on your way:

  • Eat healthy, high-quality foods. With the right nutrients you give your body strength and you feel better.
  • Regular exercise is just as important. You don’t necessarily have to go to the gym or spend a lot of money on expensive sports equipment. There are countless options from walks in the fresh air to team sports – find something that feels right for you.
  • A healthy sleep pattern is essential for a rested body. An evening routine can help with this.
  • Make sure you drink enough. Water and unsweetened tea are the best choices for you and your body.
  • Your psyche also plays an important role. Recognize bad habits and take targeted action against them. You deserve to treat yourself well.

Joy of life through change

A job that fills us with meaning is important for a happy life.
A job that fills us with meaning is important for a happy life.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / rawpixel)

When you’ve gotten to know yourself better through self-reflection, it’s time to steer your life in the direction you want. Change can enrich your life.

  • Once you’ve identified what brings you joy, it’s important to actually incorporate those things into your life.
  • Commitments are often a burden, but every commitment is also an opportunity that you can use. Changing your perspective can often work wonders.
  • Change circumstances that do not contribute to your happiness in life. You don’t have to do a job that you don’t enjoy. Changing your job can be a big and important step for more zest for life. See also: 5 ways to get off the job hamster wheel
  • You can also actively shape and change your environment through your behavior, for example by deciding to live more sustainably.
  • Change doesn’t happen overnight. You can only achieve them with patience and if you consistently pursue your goals.

With gratitude for more joie de vivre

Gratitude allows you to focus on what you already have.
Gratitude allows you to focus on what you already have.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Swamiananda)

Especially in difficult phases of life, it is particularly valuable to think positively and to be aware of the things for which we can be thankful every day.

  • Find a ritual that gives gratitude a permanent place in your life. For example, keep a journal or a list and regularly write down what you are grateful for.
  • Focus on aspects that you quickly take for granted in everyday life, such as a roof over your head, a warm meal or being able to move freely.
  • Be thankful for the little things in life. Whether it’s a smile on the subway or a little token of appreciation from a co-worker, appreciating these gestures will help you feel happier.
  • Also try to cultivate gratitude for seemingly negative events in your life. They helped you grow and become the person you are today.
  • Minimalism makes it much easier not to lose sight of the essentials, such as joy and gratitude. You’ll become more frugal and you’ll notice that you don’t need that much to be happy.

Joie de vivre through social interaction

Exchanging ideas with your fellow human beings makes you happy.
Exchanging ideas with your fellow human beings makes you happy.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / StockSnap)

Even if your zest for life begins with your inner attitude, it is important to share your feelings and experiences with other people.

  • Socialize regularly. It doesn’t matter whether you meet up with friends or meet new people. Spending time with like-minded people has a positive effect on our well-being.
  • Talk about the things that move you. When you express yourself from within, others can really get to know you and appreciate you for what makes you who you are.
  • Even if it is difficult to talk about stressful experiences, it can make it easier for you to deal with them. If you are feeling down and there is no one around you to confide in, seek professional help. Don’t be shy, after all you would go to the doctor if you broke your leg. Depression and other mental illnesses are no different.
  • It’s not just nice when others are there for you. Being socially involved and giving something back also makes people happy. In addition to voluntary work in a social institution, you can also make a donation. It makes you happier to work for others and to have a meaningful task.

Read more on Utopia:

  • Yamas: How yoga ethics ensure peaceful coexistence –
  • Niyamas: How the Yoga Code helps you in your private life –
  • A fresh start: How to find strength after an upheaval –

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