Does freezing make you sick or harden you?

Does freezing make you sick or harden you?
Photo: CC0 Public Domain / Pexels – Karolina Grabowska

Energy prices remain at unprecedented levels, many people want to turn on the heating as little as possible. But is freezing recommended? When is it too cold in the apartment and can we harden ourselves at all? We asked a family doctor.

Snow and ice are the order of the day at the moment. Since the costs for gas and electricity are very high, many people do not turn the radiators on all the way – and in case of doubt they freeze in their own four walls.

we have dr Jakob Berger, general practitioner and district chairman of the Bavarian Association of General Practitioners, asked whether being cold can make us ill or whether – as cynical as it may sound to many – it can be an interim solution to reduce energy costs.

Freezing instead of heating – is that advisable?

Not heating the apartment over the winter is not an option. However, many households tried to delay the point at which the radiators should be turned on. Even on milder days, the heating often stays off this winter. This does not always make sense, because a minimum temperature in the interior prevents mold.

Turning the heating down a few degrees, on the other hand, saves energy and money. But is freezing at a low room temperature recommended, or does it weaken our immune system and make us sick more quickly?

This is what happens in the body when we are cold

To do this, you first have to know what freezing actually means and what triggers it in the body. Our body temperature must be kept constant at 37 degrees. In summer the body regulates its temperature by sweating and in winter by freezing. Because when we freeze, the body sends a signal to our brain that the body temperature is about to drop.

dr Berger explains to us: “When the temperature sensors in the body notice it’s too cold, we freeze and the vessels contract.”

We all know the signs of cold: goosebumps, cold feet and hands, tremors and chattering teeth. And they all have a specific purpose. “With goose bumps, for example, the little hairs stand up and an insulating air cushion forms on the skin to better keep the heat in the body,” explains family doctor Dr. Berger.

family doctor dr Berger: “Trembling creates heat in the body”

“Trembling is a muscular activity to generate heat,” the health expert continues. And the uncomfortably cold hands and feet are no coincidence, but a protective mechanism of the body: when it is cold, less blood is pumped to the extremities in order to keep the important organs in the middle of the body warm.

Being cold is not healthy in the long run

Freezing is a protective reaction of our body and is completely normal. But in the long run, freezing is by no means recommended, because it weakens our immune system and makes us more susceptible to diseases. “Wet, cold weather and draughts, in particular, take their toll on our bodies,” explains Dr. Berger versus Utopia.

Even in the apartment it shouldn’t be so cold that we freeze permanently. The feel-good temperature here is individual, but a room temperature of 20 degrees in the living room is maintained by Dr. Berger as appropriate.

It doesn’t have to be warmer for the doctor – on the contrary: Dr. From an energy saving perspective, Berger thinks it makes sense to lower the room temperature to 18 or 19 degrees. He has no health concerns, he advises putting on a thick sweater rather than turning up the heating. From a health point of view, however, the living quarters should not be colder than 18 degrees.

This is how you harden your body against the cold

18 degrees room temperature does not sound pleasant for everyone. But you can get used to it and even actively do something to ensure that you don’t freeze so quickly. dr Berger confirms that we can train our bodies.

“A water application according to Kneipp every day helps so that you don’t freeze as much,” says the family doctor. If you want to approach it slowly, you can start with Kneipp affusions in the evening or simply let cold water run over your body for 60 seconds after the shower. Experienced users can try cold showers.

The doctor has other tips against freezing and to harden the body against cold:

  • Regular exercise in the fresh air, even when it’s cold outside. This strengthens the circulatory system and immune system. Important: the right clothing.

  • Warm meals and hot drinks to keep the body warm.

  • Alcohol only in small amounts, as it widens the blood vessels and the body then cools down faster.

Important: Only healthy people should use these tips and it is best to start slowly and increase step by step.


  • Heat properly: With these 15 tips you save money and protect the environment
  • Cycling in winter: Safe on the road in snow, ice and darkness
  • Cold feet: causes, possible diseases and home remedies

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