Under penalty of fine
Do you get annoyed by people who drive ‘too slow’ on the highway? Then you may feel like a fish in water in Abu Dhabi from now on. There, a fairly high minimum speed is introduced on a large stretch of highway on the left lanes. Under penalty of a fine if you do not comply.
Driving slowly on the highway can not only be a nuisance to other road users, it can also lead to dangerous situations. Nevertheless, there is no minimum speed in the Netherlands, although you can expect a chat with the police if they think you are driving dangerously slowly. In Abu Dhabi, people just want to be ahead of that and a minimum speed is being introduced. A pretty sturdy one, in fact. On the highway between Abu Dhabi and Dubai you have to drive at least 120 km / h on the left lanes on a stretch of more than 60 km. The speed limit (regardless of the lane) is 140 km/h. We read that Drive and the local news medium The National.
This is introduced because it would be safer. At least that’s what the local police say. Slower and faster driving cars thus remain more separated from each other on the highway. And fast cars, there is no shortage of them in the United Arab Emirates. Anyone who nevertheless enters the left lanes at a leisurely pace and is caught can expect a fine of around €100. From May 1, this will actually be enforced, reports The National.
– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl