As an admin of a group chat in WhatsApp, designate others as co-admins.
Group chat WhatsApp
Every group chat on WhatsApp has at least one admin. That’s the person who started the WhatsApp group. He or she can add or remove people from the group and designate others as co-admins. This is useful if you want them to be able to add contacts to the group as well.
Add Group Admin
Add an extra administrator to a WhatsApp group.
- Open WhatsApp.
- Tap the tab chats.
- Tap the name of the group conversation.
- Tap the name of the group conversation at the top.
- You will now see information about the group. Scroll to the list of the people in the group.
- Tap the name of the one you want to make group admin as well.
- A selection menu opens. Tap the option in this Create group admin (Android) or Create group admin (iOS).
- The person is now also a group admin. Behind his name is now the text ‘Administrator’.
- Tap the arrow at the top left twice to return to the Chat overview.
Taking someone off their group admin status isn’t that easy. This is only possible if you remove the person from the group completely. If he is added again afterwards, he will lose his group admin status.
Also watch our video on how to make someone admin of a WhatsApp group.