Aloe vera gel: This is how the juice of the miracle plant works

Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / casellesingold

Aloe vera gel is mainly used in the natural treatment of skin diseases. But it can also help with sunburn and even constipation. You can find out more about the effect here.

Aloe Vera – also known as desert lily – is one of the oldest medicinal plants in the world. The leaf consists of three components: the leaf bark, the leaf sap and the leaf pulp from which the gel is obtained.

Aloe vera gel was and is mainly used for the natural treatment of:

  • Wounds
  • Skin diseases
  • and sunburn

used. The reason for this is its ingredients. Besides water Find himself in it too Salicylic acid, Mono- and polysaccharides and amino acids. These work anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic. Aloe vera gel has long been used in cosmetics due to its moisturizing properties and processed into creams.

Little known, however, is the fact that the sap of the plant is called natural laxative at constipation works.

So it is clear that aloe vera – in whatever form – in none Medicine cabinet should be missing.

Effect of aloe vera gel and juice

Thanks to its nourishing properties, aloe vera is often used in skin care creams.
  • Insect bites: On one Wasp sting or Mosquito bite Applied, the gel has an itch-reducing and anti-inflammatory effect. Simply dab some aloe vera gel directly onto the sting and let it work.
  • sunburn: Aloe Vera is a natural alternative to cortisone therapies in many areas. A medical study has proven that aloe vera can be used to treat sunburn even works much better and, unlike cortisone, has no side effects (as aftersun gel online at **Avocado Store).
  • Inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis: Many patients with psoriasis want to avoid long-term cortisone therapy. Again, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, the gel from the aloe vera plant is a natural way of counteracting the symptoms.
  • Burns: For first-degree burns, the gel of a freshly cut aloe vera leaf can have a cooling and calming effect.
  • Dry skin: As a gel and processed into face creams, Aloe Vera is also effective against skin irritation and irritation. It also has a smoothing and moisturizing effect.


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