Already new rear lights for Range Rover

Already new rear lights for Range Rover

Land Rover’s new Range Rover is a strong design evolution from its predecessor. Shortly after its introduction, the relatively conservative yet modern SUV is fitted with a set of new taillights.

Land Rover’s strong sense of tradition is reflected in the design of the new Range Rover. With the latest incarnation of the English luxury SUV, Land Rover does not suddenly take a completely new design path. Land Rover is not even joining the trend of the taillights tied together by a light bar that the 2021 Autodesign Handbook seems to dictate. If you don’t like the narrow vertical light units of the new Range Rover, you don’t have to delete the SUV from his shortlist right away.

The English company Glohh shows the first images of a set of new taillights with OLED technology that it is developing for the new Range Rover. On the Glohh copies, the vertical rear lights remain intact, although the black plastic strip that is normally located between them is replaced by a light bar with a striking signature. In the middle, the company name Glohh connects the horizontal parts. Don’t like this lighting either? Even then there is good news, because the light signature can be adjusted to personal taste.

Land Rover Range Rover

Rear lights new Range Rover (original)

According to Glohh, the lighting is still in an early stage of development and may not be available until the end of 2023. Glohh will come next year with a similar set of taillights for the outgoing Range Rover.

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