Has your iPhone been asking for your Apple ID password lately? Then you are not the only one, because Apple is (again) experiencing a malfunction. This is what’s going on.
Malfunction Apple ID on iPhone
Many iPhone users have been experiencing problems logging into their Apple ID lately. A new bug causes you to be suddenly logged out of your Apple ID and sometimes even unable to log in. When you retype the password of your Apple ID, it is (incorrectly) indicated that the password is incorrect.
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It is still unclear what caused the outage. Apple has not yet responded to the problem and the bug is not (yet) listed on Apple’s website with current malfunctions. It is therefore unclear when the malfunction will be fixed. What do we know about the problem with your Apple ID password on your iPhone?

Problem leads to issues with Apple TV
The biggest problems now occur with logging in to your Apple ID. For a number of users, however, the number of problems is not limited to logging in. For example, reports have also been received of subscriptions that have suddenly disappeared with an Apple ID. Think of the Apple TV Plus subscription, which after logging in suddenly no longer appears in your list of subscriptions.
Very annoying of course, because this means that you can no longer use Apple TV Plus at all. Do you also suffer from this problem? Then it is advisable to log out and log in again with your Apple ID. In some cases this solved the bug (temporarily).
Unfortunately, there is currently no real solution to the problem. It is expected that Apple will soon come up with a number of bug fixes to solve the problems.

Another malfunction with Apple service
This is not the first outage this month for an Apple service. Earlier this month, Apple’s Weather app crashed several times. Even with that outage, Apple needed a few days to really fix the problem. For now, it remains to be seen how long Apple will need to solve the problems with Apple ID, especially since Apple itself has not yet acknowledged the malfunction.
Read also: Securing Apple ID with security key: this is how it works
Once Apple officially acknowledges a problem, it often doesn’t take long before there is a solution for the bug. At least for now, the problem seems to be mainly on the iPhone. Do you also have problems logging in or seeing subscriptions in your Apple ID? View here Apple’s current outages website.
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