Apple hires Tesla chief of autonomous driving

Apple hires Tesla chief of autonomous driving

Apple has once again hired a former senior Tesla engineer to speed up its plans for its own electric car, reports news agency Bloomberg based on insiders.

Christopher Moore, who was the head of software development for self-driving cars at Tesla, will start working at Apple, according to the news agency. Given his expertise, it is quite possible that he will work for Apple’s car project. The tech company would like to launch its own car on the market in 2025, which will most likely also be able to move largely independently through traffic. To this end, Apple already acquired in 2019.

Moore’s move is remarkable, because earlier this year the technician questioned claims made by Tesla boss Elon Musk about fully autonomous driving. Musk had said his company would be nearly done putting a car on the road that could drive and steer without any human help. However, Moore indicated in an investigation by California authorities that Musk’s statements would not correspond to technical reality.

Apple declined to comment on the move. The iPhone manufacturer maintains a policy of strict secrecy surrounding its plans to launch its own car. However, there have been rumors about it for years. Moore would report at Apple to Stuart Bowers, another former Tesla executive who joined Apple late last year. Bowers had led Tesla’s autopilot team before leaving in mid-2019.

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