Apple releases new update for AirPods and AirPods Pro

Apple has released a new firmware update for the AirPods 2, AirPods 3 and AirPods Pro. The software is also being rolled out to the AirPods Max, Apple’s headphones.

New Firmware

The new firmware version is called 4E71. The previous one was 4C165. Unfortunately, there are no release notes for these updates, so we don’t know exactly what Apple has changed. Often it involves minor performance improvements and bug fixes.

Installing the firmware update is automatic, so you don’t have to do anything. Here’s how to check if your AirPods are already updated:

  1. Open your iPhone’s Settings app;

  2. Tap ‘Bluetooth’;

  3. Search the list of devices for your AirPods;

  4. Tap the ‘i’ next to it;

  5. Look at the number after ‘Firmware version’.

To update

Firmware updates are generally installed wirelessly, while the AirPods are connected to an iOS device. Placing the AirPods in the charging case, charging the case and holding your iPhone or iPad close by should have the firmware installed in no time.

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