This weekend we saw a patent from Xiaomi with a new technique in which the entire phone screen can recognize a fingerprint. Do you see such a fingerprint scanner? Vote now in the AW Poll.
Fingerprint Scanners
The fingerprint scanner has not been around that long. A few years ago, the fingerprint scanner was mainly placed in three places on a phone: on the front, the back or the side. In 2016 we asked you what you thought was the best place for such a fingerprint scanner. The results showed that only 9 percent prefer to use the scanner on the side, in the on/off button. A majority of 51 percent preferred the scanner on the front, and 38 percent preferred the scanner on the back of a phone. The remaining 2 percent opted for another location.
Oh, by ‘on the front’ we meant at the time in a physical or capacitive home button. We only saw the current in-screen fingerprint scanners for the first time in 2018. That was at the CES tech fair in Las Vegas. Furthermore, the locations for the sensor have remained largely unchanged and Xiaomi or Samsung may well change this technology to a large extent with a fingerprint scanner all over the screen.
AW Poll
We are curious which place you prefer: a fingerprint scanner on the (entire) front, the back or the side. Have your say by voting in our poll and let us know what you think in the comments at the bottom of this article.

– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source