Badly slept? So you get through the day well

Badly slept? So you get through the day well
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Aristal

You slept badly and it dread you before the day? Despite fatigue, you can survive it if you pay attention to some things and do something good. Here you will find helpful tips.

If we have slept badly, this can have numerous causes: stress at work or at the university can play a role as well as internal unrest. Short nights after a party or as young parents can be the reason. The consequences are usually lack of sleep and fatigue.

After a sleepless night, it is therefore often difficult to start the new day. However, some means and behaviors can help you get through the tired day well.

Note: If you can’t sleep one night, the consequences are uncomfortable, but initially harmless to health. Only when you suffer from chronic, i.e. long -term sleep disorders, should you obtain medical advice.

1. Slept badly? keep Calm

The sleep expert Dora Triche explains that it is particularly important to keep calm when you have slept badly. The symptoms of lack of sleep are similar to the enjoyment of alcohol. This means that our ability to concentrate is restricted and you should be careful when driving or handling machines.

However, keeping calm also means not putting yourself under pressure. It is normal to have a sleepless night every now and then – especially in exceptional situations, for example after a night shift or with small children in the household.

So try to tackle the day relaxed and to meet you with self -love and understanding.

2. Start the day fresh despite the bad sleep

Fresh air and sunlight make you awake.
Fresh air and sunlight make you awake.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Elstef)

After a night when you slept badly, a fresh start is particularly helpful to get through the day well. You can take the following things for a good morning:

  • Don’t stay in bed. The German Brain Foundation explains that a lazy person can increase possible sleep disorders in bed tomorrow.
  • A cold shower or a warm shower can help you get really awake.
  • Fresh air works wonders. If you have the opportunity, go outside in the morning or ventilate your apartment sufficiently. The additional oxygen helps the well -being of the brain and you will feel more refreshing.

  • According to Triche, sunlight is also good when there is a lack of sleep. The sleep hormone melatonin is suppressed by the sun so that you feel more alert.

After a fresh start to the day, you can of course continue to take these tips during the day. For example, do a walk in the forest to fill up with some strength and fresh air.

3. breaks and naps

A nap can help if you have slept badly.
A nap can help if you have slept badly.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Lograstudio)

Medical knowledge show that short naps can have a positive effect on health – even after a night in which you slept badly. However, these short sleeping units should not be longer than 30 minutes, otherwise you may then feel slapper.

If you cannot sleep well or quickly during the day, it is enough to take a break. Treat yourself to little breaks when you relax and just don’t do anything.

You can find more tips on napping and resting here:

  • Power Napping: You should avoid this error
  • Lake afternoon: With these tips you have more energy for the day
  • Take a time out: 6 ways to win some distance

4. Slept poorly: This is how nutrition helps

Badly slept? A balanced diet is better than sugary food.
Badly slept? A balanced diet is better than sugary food.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Phydc)

Among other things, one of the consequences of a night in which you slept badly is cravings. Fatigue causes a lack of energy so that we want to eat more.

However, it is important to do without sugary, greasy or salty food. These foods only deliver energy for a short time and mess up the energy balance and blood sugar in the long term. Instead, you should distribute small and light meals throughout the day. A protein -containing and balanced diet is recommended.

Tip: You should also drink enough. So you stay hydrated and feel fresher.

5. Emergency solution after poor sleep: coffee and energy drinks

Coffee is just a solution to the solution in the event of a lack of sleep.
Coffee is just a solution to the solution in the event of a lack of sleep.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Eliasfalla)

The grip for coffee is tempting if you have slept badly for a night. But you should know: coffee cannot replace sleep. Caffeine in coffee or other drinks such as black tea and energy drinks helps at short notice to increase performance, but can later lead to a new deep.

Caffeine drinks are therefore only a temporary emergency solution. It is better to rely on a healthy diet with enough water.

Also interesting: wake up through sleep and coffee: This is how Coffee Napping works

Slept badly: the next night will be better

After a night with bad sleep, there is usually more relaxation.
After a night with bad sleep, there is usually more relaxation.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Cuncon)

The good news is: As long as you do not suffer from sleep disorders, the next night will be better. After you have slept badly for a night, you are particularly tired and can relax better the following night.

There are various tips to be able to fall asleep better. These include:

  • Rent the bedroom properly. Cool temperatures promote quiet sleep.

  • Clean the bedroom. A decent room can also have a calming effect on you.

  • Avoid screentime. Avoid looking at the cell phone or laptop before going to bed. Switch off your cell phone and treat yourself to a break from the screen.

  • Evening routine. Small rituals in the evening can help you prepare for sleep.

Tip: You will find out what you should avoid in our post: You should avoid these 5.


  • Sleeping better with sustainable beds, mattresses, ceilings & Co.
  • Sleep naked: healthy or unsanitary?
  • Constantly tired: these tips help against fatigue

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